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One of the workers in Africa’s largest wildlife preserve said the last time an elephant in the Niassa Reserve 【小题1】 (record) killed by a poacher was on May 17, 2018.

“The drastic decline in poached elephants is owed to a new rapid-intervention police force,” said Joe Walston, 【小题2】 local official.

“ Any one of those things alone isn’t going to be 【小题3】 (success), which is why it has taken so long to be able to get 【小题4】 (we) to a point 【小题5】 we’ve been able to get poaching 【小题6】 control,” Walston told CNN.

【小题7】 (situate) in a remote region of northern Mozambique, the Niassa Reserve has seen thousands of animals killed in recent years. The rapid-intervention police force is 【小题8】 (well) armed than the reserved normal rangers and has 【小题9】 (right) to arrest suspected poachers. Walston said that the ability to make arrests is important to prevent poachers from 【小题10】 (come) to the reserve.

知识点:动物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What’s cuter than a panda? A brown panda! The quirky creature is one of a rare subspecies that exists only in the remote Qinling Mountains in 【小题1】 (west) China. Panda-lovers now have a new place outside Chengdu to enjoy the lovable creature — the Qinling panda Breeding Research Centre in Shaanxi Province. From May 28, people can see various rare wild animals there, one of whom is the world’s only captive brown panda. The panda, named Qizai, which means “the 【小题2】 (seven) son”, is 13 years old and in good health.

Brown giant pandas are 【小题3】 (extreme) rare in China as only few pandas of such kind have been living in Qinling area. They have dark and light brown fur, rather than the commonly seen black and white. Although they are close 【小题4】 (relative), the two species have been separated for 3000, 000 years.

Thanks 【小题5】 the constant efforts to improve the ecological environment in the Qinling Mountains, the population of giant pandas has increased in recent years. And the Qinling Mountains have become the easiest place on Earth 【小题6】   (encounter) wild pandas.

Qizai 【小题7】 (find) as a weak baby panda in 2009 in Qinling Mountains. After 【小题8】 (abandon) him, his mother disappeared into a jungle. The motherless panda had 【小题9】 really tough time in his childhood.

People wonder 【小题10】 Qizai is brown, given that his mother is black and white. Scientists guess that it’s due to some genetic mutation (基因突变).


Meilun and Meihuan, two Chinese pandas born in the US, have been back in China. However, they have not got rid of their old habits; they still prefer American crackers(饼干)to Chinese bread, and know English 【小题1】 (well) than Chinese.

The pandas arrived at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on Nov. 5. Meilun is vey lively, often 【小题2】 (jump) onto the roof and hanging upside down from a rail. Unlike her elder sister, Meihuan is much calmer. She prefers 【小题3】 (sit) still and observe her new environment, sometimes snacking on bamboo.

Pandas are shy with strangers and need company, 【小题4】 (explain) Luo Yunhong, a breeder at the panda base. Luo’s main worry about the pandas’ transition(过渡)is that they both love American crackers so much 【小题5】 everything they eat ‒ from bamboo to apples and even water ‒ must 【小题6】 (mix) with the crackers. To help them get used to food in China, Luo has been replacing the crackers little by little with Chinese bread.

Another problem is that Meilun and Meihuan cannot understand Sichuan dialect; only hearing 【小题7】 names can make them raise their heads. In contrast, they react 【小题8】 a number of basic words in English, such as “Come here”.

Luo has been recording the stool sample(粪便样本)and body temperatures every day, as well as 【小题9】 (provide) daily udates to the Exit-Entry and Quarantine Bureau of Chengdu. According to the officer, the sister are 【小题10】 (gradual) getting used to their new lives.
