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Keeping your teenager out of the social media world is impossible. Whether we like it or not, our kids are growing up in a digital era- -and although that creates major opportunities, it also comes with some pretty big risks. We saw this firsthand when we asked a group of tweens and teens to give up their phones and social media for a week; it was as though we’d asked them to part with a limb.

A recent study of more than 10 ,000 six- to twelve-grade girls carried out by a nonprofit organization Ruling Our Experiences found that high school girls spend an average of six hours a day on social media. And the effect of too much logged-on time is clear. The study found kids who spend eight hours or more on technology per day are five times more likely to be sad or depressed. Adding to the pressure is that2 out of 3 high school girls report being asked to send a revealing photo to another person, and most of them report that they do send sexual texts and photos to each other.

Another study, carried out by Common Sense Media, found that girls use social media more than boys and are also more likely to experience negative consequences. Most of the girls investigated admitted that content posted online often makes them worry about their appearance or social status, while just a quarter of the boys said the same. An earlier study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet came to a similar conclusion: A third of 12- to 13-year-old girls who used social media believed their peers were mostly unkind to each other online , while only 9 percent of the boys agreed.

Of course, these differences don' t mean we shouldn’t have concerns about boys and the impact of digital overload or online bulling. In fact, other studies have shown that boys and girls can be equally damaged by social media. The most important thing is for teens to feel safe, online and in the real world alike.

【小题1】What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The pressure of the high school girls logging-on.
B.The influence of too much logged-on time on high school girls.
C.Too much time spent on social media for high school girls.
D.The increasing population of the high school girls logging-on.
【小题2】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “revealing” in paragraph 2?
【小题3】Why are the girls more likely to experience negative effect online than boys?
A.Because the girls' social status is low.
B.Because the girls are mostly unkind to each other.
C.Because the girls use social media more than boys.
D.Because the girls pay more attention to their appearance.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Parents should keep teens out of the social media.
B.Parents keep teens feel safe online and in the real life.
C.It is time to worry about your teens and social media.
D.Boys and girls can be equally damaged by social media.
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Social media can be a convenient way to extend your network, staying in touch with your grandma, or sharing photos of your new puppy. Nevertheless, social media can be temible for your health. It’s our use of it that’s out of control.

British anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar developed the idea that 150 people is the maximum number of meaningful connections anyone can have. You may have 800 friends on Wechat, but we’re not connecting with them in person. Your QQ connections may be vast, but how many of them do you have meaningful interactions with?

If you’re using social media to feel more connected, a recent study published in the American Joumal of Health Promotion suggests that it’s not working, and it an also contribute to unfavorable connections and even depression. Positive interactions on social media don’t help people feel happier. Negative interactions, on the other hand, bring more feelings of sadness. The same goes for comparison, which social media encourages. Another study, published by the American Psychological Association, shows comparing yourself to others via social media also has negative effects, leading to symptoms of depression.

Reaching for your cell phone as a mental break is also a bad idea. Research by Rutgers University compared participants in the midst of completing a task who took a break with their cell phones, with paper and pencils, and who took no break at all. Those who used their cell phones during their break solved 22% fewer problems and took 19% longer to complete their tasks than those under the other two conditions.

So how should you manage your social media usage?

First, know your time and purposes of use. Use the tracking function on your device to find out how much you’re using it and what you’re using it for. After this, get away from your device unless you have to use it. As tough as it might be, turn off and tune into the world around you.

Then, be in charge of your device, rather than let it be in charge of you. Your phone s rings or vibrations don’t mean you must respond to them. Remind yourself that you’re in charge, not your device or the people on the other end of it who’ve just contacted you.

Finally, consider using your device as a relationship builder. Use your apps to find your friends and make your dinner reservation so you can catch up face-to-face your favorite restaurant, where you’ll keep your phone out of sight.

When you’re in control of your digital consumption, social media becomes a tool to enrich your life and not a distraction (分心) that makes you feel miserable.

【小题1】The author might agree that ________.
A.social media is immediate and interactive
B.it is hard to live without digital devices
C.friends on QQ are not friends indeed
D.improper social media use is harmful
【小题2】American Journal of Health Promotion suggests that using social media ________.
A.can’t promote your expected connections
B.breaks up the meaningful communication
C.causes the unnecessary comparison
D.can’t bring more positive interactions
【小题3】From the research by Rutgers University, we might conclude that ________.
A.participants without cell phones had quicker and deeper thinking
B.using cell phones couldn’t give participants mental breaks
C.cell phone users couldn’t complete their task successfully
D.mental breaks reduce efficiency of solving problems
【小题4】To use social media as a relationship builder, you can ________.
A.call your friends to play online games together
B.book movie tickets for family time through apps
C.look through WeiBo when you have a family reunion
D.reply messages on We Chat while having dinner with friends
【小题5】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Is social media killing your health?
B.How does social media affect your life?
C.Social media: to be or not to be?
D.Social media: use it wisely!

While most coffee shops offer free Wi-Fi connections to get more customers, Offline Club, a pop-up cafe in Amsterdam, offers a different connection where a Wi-Fi signal is unnecessary. Upon entering, its members leave their devices behind, grab a coffee, and enjoy a 90s’ atmosphere.

Ilya Kneppelhout, who started the Offline Club, said that the club is for people overwhelmed by their busy lives and constant notifications, according to Inside Edition. He added that their members want to cut down on their social media and screen time and focus on in-person connections — a simple idea, but participants enjoy it.

One of their members said, “being with the club makes you feel present in a way you didn’t expect”. “It felt a bit like travelling in time and made me feel nostalgic (怀旧) about the way bars and cafes used to be because nowadays, those are places we’re only going to with friends and people we already know and spend time doing digital things like work,” another member added.

The founders believe this concept could work in other cities, too. Kneppelhout stated that they want to spread the idea worldwide. “Right now, we’re getting together with a franchising concept, and we hope to have offline detox events in the entire world for people to reconnect,” he said.

Meanwhile, the internet and computers are deeply integrated into our lives. Being addicted to the internet can hurt you in different ways, both in body and emotions. Given this, the digital detox provided by the Offline Club could be helpful for individuals who feel they spend too much time online. It’s a chance to reduce stress and focus more on talking to people. It also helps stop us from becoming too reliant on technology. Ultimately, a digital detox is about stepping back to connect with what really matters.

【小题1】Why did Ilya Kneppelhout start the Offline Club?
A.To ease life pressure.B.To refuse social media.
C.To attract more customers.D.To encourage real interaction.
【小题2】How did the members feel about the club?
A.Content with the club.B.Enthusiastic about the club.
C.Tired of the visit to the club.D.Scared of the club’s atmosphere.
【小题3】What can we draw from Ilya Kneppelhout’s words?
A.People in the club deny real bonds.B.He expects the world can reconnect.
C.People have been disturbed by the club.D.The club has been a hit in other cities.
【小题4】What do the underlined words “the digital detox” mean in the last paragraph?
A.Avoiding online communication.B.Resisting the use of digital device.
C.Taking a break from the Internet.D.Surfing the Internet for information.

In 1970, before he became a blues legend, Stevie Ray Vaughan was working as a dishwasher in Dallas. One of his jobs was cleaning out the trash bin. To do it, Vaughan had to stand on some large wooden barrels, which were for the kitchen crew to dump hot grease(油脂). One day, while he was cleaning, the top of a barrel suddenly gave and he fell in.

Luckily for Vaughan, it had been a while since the last grease was dumped, so the stuff had cooled and he was able to safely climb out of the barrel. However, the next day, Vaughan’s boss fired him for breaking the barrel. The young man could have been severely injured, and he lost his job for his trouble.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. National surveys suggest that burns, cuts, falls and other injuries are extremely common in the fast food industry, where underpaid people are placed under intense pressure to work quickly.

Then there’s wage theft — employers trying to avoid paying workers what they’re legally entitled to. According to the Economic Policy Institute, federal and state agencies recovered $933 million for victims of wage theft in 2012 alone and that was just for the workers who successfully pursued their cases.

People with power — employers, managers and owners of big and small businesses — quite often do mistreat their workers. And they do it because there are no consequences to fear and workers often can’t leave a job without putting their livelihood at risk. So they dare not speak out against the unfair treatment.

So we also need social institutions — a universal basic income, a wage allowance, a job guarantee, truly universal health care and more — that give workers an alternative to depend on in the market for income. And we need a strong labor movement that can credibly punish employers if they don’t give workers a fair share and press the government to enforce the law.

【小题1】Why was Vaughan able to escape serious injury?
A.The barrel had a cover.
B.His colleagues rescued him in time.
C.The temperature of grease was low.
D.He quickly jumped off the barrel.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “iceberg” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Employers treat their employees badly.
B.Employees may easily get injured at work.
C.Competition is fiercer in the fast food industry.
D.Employees fail to defend their rights through laws.
【小题3】What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The potential consequences of wage theft.
B.The reasons for the phenomenon of wage theft.
C.The conflict between employers and employees.
D.The complaints from employees about wage theft.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Employees should work harder to improve income.
B.Vaughan was fired owing to his negative attitude to work.
C.It’s unnecessary for employees to be in conflict with employers.
D.Measures should be taken to protect employees’ rights.
