阅读理解-六选四 较难0.4 引用2 组卷102
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentences can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

The Benefits of a Summer Job

Have you ever had a summer job? For many young people, summer is an exciting period where education stops and fun begins. 【小题1】 And the very group who have the time to benefit from the fun summer has to offer may not have the funds to do so. The solution? A summer job.

The concept of students and younger members of society being gainfully employed over the summer period is not a new one. And there are opportunities out there for those who want to earn. 【小题2】 In many cases, the jobs only pay minimum wages, which may only help you out. But the money is not the only thing that’s gained.

【小题3】 Indeed, when talking about their experiences of summer jobs, people said they got “invaluable training” and learnt skills such as punctuality, tolerance, and the importance of hard work. These opportunities are thought to be so important that the UK government has placed 20,000 summer job vacancies on its Find a Job website.

【小题4】 The percentage of young people working while studying has more than halved since 1997, falling from 42% to 18% in 2014. Those are the findings of a UK government report on the death of the Saturday job. Ester McVey believes this is because young people are choosing to focus more on education rather than earning extra money.

A.Summer and Saturday jobs prepare young people for successful careers in later life, teaching vital soft skills.
B.Students take summer jobs mainly to cover their tuition and this practice is highly appreciated by their parents.
C.That said, holidays, festivals and time spent with friends cost money.
D.This move comes at a time of apparent need.
E.Soft skills are so essential to students’ future career that they have to take summer jobs to acquire them.
F.Vacancies can range from roles as boring as fry cook, to seasonal work at a theme park.
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The art of academic writing is not easy to master. 【小题1】 Academic writing is the skilful exposition and explanation of an argument, which the writer has carefully researched and developed over a sustained period of time. 【小题2】 But the joy of reading and sharing with others, one’s succinctly composed piece of argument, is incomparable.

Before beginning to write, the writer must ask himself a few questions – Why am I writing? What is it that I intend to share with others? What purpose will my writing serve? Have I read enough about the topic or theme about which I am going to write? 【小题3】 Because academic writing is a serious activity – it makes one part of a shared community of readers and writers who wish to disseminate and learn from well-argued pieces of writing.

The structure of an argumentative essay should take the form of – Introduction (which should be around ten percent of the entire essay), Body (it should constitute eighty percent of the piece) and the Conclusion (again, ten per cent of the essay). 【小题4】 The body should include cogent and coherently linked paragraphs and the conclusion should re-state the argument and offer a substantial ending to the piece.

A.These questions may well get clearer and clearer during the process of academic writing.
B.The introduction should function as the hook which draws the reader in and holds his attention.
C.It is a formal skill, which requires precision and accuracy, and is perfected by continuous and dedicated practice.
D.If one is hesitant to answer even one of the aforementioned questions, one had better not write at all!
E.It may take one a considerable period of time to know the skills of academic writing, even long after his/her college graduation.
F.It is a time-consuming activity and demands patience and perseverance.

Mind mapping is a great way to plan out projects, ideas, and plans. 【小题1】 Here are the four steps of mind mapping and how you can apply it in your life.

Before you start, think about what it is that you want to mind map about. If we take the example of presenting to an audience, ask yourself, "What exactly do I want to tell my audience?" and "What do I want them to leave knowing?" 【小题2】 Once you know your question, write that down in the middle of the page.

【小题3】 Don't try and edit yourself. No matter how crazy, wild, or stupid something may seem at first, get it down onto your mind map. You can remove ideas later. Editing yourself at an early stage will not produce your best ideas.

After your initial brainstorm, giving yourself a few days will produce more ideas and expand others. A few days later, come back to your mind map and give yourself another hour or two with it. 【小题4】 Meanwhile, you may also see ideas that don't work—you can leave them just in case they bring more ideas later. After this session, you will have a lot of ideas, answers, and steps.

The next stage is where you make small changes about these ideas and start to structure the next steps. You now need to decide in what order you will move forward. Once you have all your ideas and points numbered, you can then move those to your to-do list manager and place them in the right order. You may find that as you begin working on your project, you change your order round. 【小题5】.

A.You will find you have a lot more ideas to add.
B.It encourages you to go deeper with your ideas.
C.The clearer your question, the better answers you will get.
D.Once you have your question written down,let yourself go.
E.Your brain is likely to give you unrealistic or unclear answers.
F.But you will at least have a place to start by having an initial order.
G.It gives you a visual means to brainstorm your ideas and the foundations of a structure.

In a recent business magazine article, a president said, laughter in the workplace is a waste of time. This is a place to do business, not to laugh. Some researchers, however, disagree with his words. As scientists have learned more about the brain, they’ve discovered that smiles and laughter stimulate(刺激)the brain, which can help increase happiness and reduce pain.

Why do we need laughter in our lives? Laughter is a powerful tool for our health. In a number of studies, that were carried out, it was shown that people who are more humorous have stronger immune systems (免疫系统) while people who feel stressed have weaker immune systems. Humor can help make your immune systems stronger.

Here are some tips to add more humor to your life:

Laugh at yourself. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have a positive attitude towards yourself and your worries will become lighter too.

Don’t worry when people laugh — just appreciate it. Be funny. Look for the humorous side of and otherwise difficult situation.

Prepare a first-aid laughter source. This could include books, cartoons, CDs or videos. Write down the amusing things that happen and save them for a sad day.

Be open to silly things. Humor is the child within yourself. Laugh with others for what they do, rather than what they are.

Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine, so make time for humor now.

【小题1】What is the best title for this passage?(No more than 8 words)
【小题2】List two suggestions that might help you add humor to your life according to the passage.(No more than 10 words)
【小题3】Find a sentence in the passage which can be replaced by the following one.
Scientists have found that smiles and laughter have an effect on the brains, and it can help increase happiness and reduce pain.
【小题4】Please explain the underlined word “stressed” in English.(No more than 4 words)
【小题5】According to the passage, why humor can help people be healthy?(No more than 15 words)
