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With schools close in the UK during the COVID-19 outbreak, most children must now be homeschooled. Parents have found themselves not only having to balance work and having the children at home but also having to try and teach them. How can you keep your children focused while learning?

Nicola Anderson--Head of Customer Support at the UK’s leading online tutoring service MyTutor, provides new, up-to-date tips to hearten parents at this difficult time and advises how they can structure their children’s days.

One is to keep to a regular timetable so it still feels like your child is taking part in the school day. Ms Anderson said: “Children of all ages do well on routine and boundaries; schools providethisin abundance and it will most children feel secure and happy if they can follow a similar timetable for their homeschooling.”

Another tip is to create an environment which is favorable to learning. She said:” The environment should be free from distractions and ideally near to an open window, to provide them with appropriate levels of fresh air and natural light. Some children find it comfortable and helpful to have quiet, instrumental music playing in the background to help them to focus, but this isn’t for everyone.”

Using technology to help with your child’s learning is also advised. Many schools are offering online classes and resources to help and companies are reducing or even not charging their fees during this time.

It is also important to keep physical exercise as a part of your routine. Joe Wicks, otherwise known as The Body Coach, has been keeping kids healthy with daily 10 minute workouts for children on his Youtube channel. Ms Anderson said:” It can be anything from running around the garden, walking the dog, a game of football or dancing around your living room!”

【小题1】Who is the text intended for?
【小题2】What does the underlined word“this" in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Homeschooling.B.Tutoring service.
C.A regular timetable.D.Difficult time:
【小题3】What may Nicola Anderson agree?
A.To allow children to adjust schedule freely.
B.To offer children peaceful study environment.
C.To recommend high-tech to online schools.
D.To combine routine with kids' mental health.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.How to improve homeschooling efficiency.
B.How to obtain online learning resources.
C.How to study attentively at home.
D.How to design a proper schedule.
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Website copywriting involves writing text and copy for websites. 【小题1】 Commercial websites may require standard sales-style copywriting, while informative or educational websites could require more structured material.

Almost all websites require some type of website copywriting. The material on a website is important not only to attract customers, but also to raise page ranks and create search engine traffic. This means that website copywriting can be somewhat different from regular writing because writers must write for two audiences.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can sometimes be important in website copywriting. SEO refers to the process of creating copy that is tailored toward catching the attention of popular search engines. 【小题2】.

An understanding of keywords and search engine behavior are important for SEO when writing copy for the web. 【小题3】 If those keywords are used properly and in the proper places within the article, more traffic will come to the website via a search engine, and the owner of the website could have the potential of making more money.

Website copywriters often have to have both a writing background and a marketing background. A person who is acting as a website copywriter for a site usually needs to be able to write active prose that inspires action. They also need to be able to drive traffic to the site, so that customers can see the products for sale.

Being able to write effective sales copy may also be essential for website copywriting. 【小题4】 Content has to be well written in order to accomplish its goal, and adherence to standard writing rules is often a prerequisite to a well-written article.

【小题5】 People browsing the web tend to read differently than people reading a book or a newspaper. So the content must capture their attention quickly and be relatively easy to read, which often involves writing prose that is easily readable. Headings, bullet points, and simple language are often preferred as a result.

A.The type of copy that is required varies depending on the type of website.
B.Online companies may offer informational articles about products and services.
C.Website copywriters have to be familiar with basic grammar, style, and structure rules.
D.Internet copywriting also involves the composition of short headlines or advertisements.
E.Theoretically, the higher the SEO, the higher the number of readers that will be directed to the website.
F.Website copy not only serves the overall function of the website, but needs to capture the attention of readers.
G.This means copy for a website may have to contain certain keywords that people search when looking for something.

Tips on Avoiding Fake News

Every time you’re online, you are bombarded by pictures, articles, links and videos trying to tell their story. 【小题1】 Sometimes they want you to click on another story or advertisement at their own site, other times they want to upset people for political reasons. These stories circulate quickly, and the result is… fake news. There is a range of fake news: from crazy stories which people easily recognize to more subtle types of misinformation. Read these tips, and don’t get fooled!

Check the source

Look at the website where the story comes from. Does it look real? 【小题2】 Are there a variety of other stories or is it just one story? Fake news websites often use addresses that sound like real newspapers, but don’t have many real stories about other topics. If you aren’t sure, click on the “About” page and look for a clear description of the organization.

Watch out for fake photos

Many fake news stories use images that are Photo-shopped. Sometimes, if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed. 【小题3】 Use a tool like Google Reverse Image search. It will show you if the same image has been used in other contexts.

Check the story in other places

Look to see if the story you are reading is on other news sites that you know and trust. If you do find it on many other sites, then it probably isn’t fake (although there are some exceptions). 【小题4】

Look for other signs

There are other techniques that fake news uses. These include using ALL CAPS and lots of ads that pop up when you click on a link. 【小题5】 If the news story makes you angry, it’s probably designed to make you angry.

A.Is the text well written?
B.Unfortunately, not all these stories are true.
C.Photoshoped images can easily hide the truth.
D.Frankly, only a small part of the information is useful.
E.Thinking about your emotional response is also helpful.
F.Some stories may contain pictures taken from an unrelated site.
G.This is because big news organization tend to check their sources.

How to Plot a Short Story

A great short story drops the reader into its world swiftly and holds their attention all the way through. 【小题1】 It can be as simple as knowing a few key moments you want to work your way toward. You’ll wind up with things you never imagined at the start. Follow these steps to plot your next story.

Brainstorm. You don’t need to have multiple short story ideas ready to go at a moment’s notice. 【小题2】 When that idea comes to you, sit down and flesh it out. Make note of any characters, settings, or bits of dialogue that you see.

【小题3】 The foundations of your main conflict or theme often form a short story’s rising action. To create tension and movement, you must know exactly what your character wants and what would prevent them from getting it. Conflicts can be internal or external, so imagine at what stage the reader will be meeting your character.

Create a brief outline. Sketch out (草拟) the flow of events your short story will contain, including interactions between characters and key moments. Write down identifying characteristics. But when it comes to drafting, pick your moments of backstory carefully. 【小题4】

Pick a point of view. Many short stories work well in first-person because of their brevity (简洁). 【小题5】 If your story needs to be told in second-person or third-person, that works, too. Regardless of which POV you choose, it’s usually best to center that narrative around one main character to ensure a consistent read on the situation at hand.

A.Select the right character.
B.Write out the central conflict.
C.All you need is one solid concept.
D.But there’s no hard and fast rule saying yours must.
E.Short stories allow the freedom to experiment because of their freestyle.
F.Plotting a short story doesn’t have to involve a detailed list of plot points.
G.To make the cut, a piece of information must contribute to the story’s central events.
