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Katie always wanted to be a performer. She, the youngest of, the three kids from Cleveland, was crazy about musicals and Disney movies from an early age and would often watch them singing with her mom, Karen. However, Katie’s happy childhood took a turn when her mother was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. When the doctor informed the family that Karen’s disease was terminal, they decided to make a trip to Disney World.

The family spared no expense for their once-in-a-lifetime vacation and stayed at Disney’s hotel for eight nights. They spent their days in the parks, seeing the sights, greening characters, all the while pushing Karen in her wheelchair and watching her face light up with joy. They all shared in the merriment of experiencing the parks for the first time with Karen. The trip to Disney World at the height of Karen’s battle with cancer slowed them to escape into a world of magic and laughter. This was the day Katie decided she wanted to work for Disney.

Sadly, Karen lost the battle and died later, but the whole family remembered her every day and often thought of that Disney vacation Katie went on to go after her dream. After she received her degree in musical theater, she struggled for years, working as a waitress and trying to be a performer. Her hard work finally paid off when she was hired to work for Disney.

As a Disney performer, Katie is aware that many other families visit the parks and have similar stories to her own. She encourages everyone, especially children, who may be experiencing a hard time. “Every moment -is meant for you, even the painful ones.” she says. “It’s just like in your favorite Disney movie: There is always some kind of conflict or hardship or pressure. Remember to celebrate those moments, too, because they are taking you to whatever your version of a happy ending is.”

【小题1】What made Katie decide to work for Disney?
A.The dream that she wanted to live a lire full magic.
B.The memory that she watched Disney movies as a kid.
C.The great joy the Disney vacation brought to her family.
D.The great courage her mother showed in fighting cancer.
【小题2】Which of the following words best describe Katie?
A.Kind and curious.B.Patient and helpful.
C.Strict and independent.D.Tough and determined.
【小题3】What message does Katie convey in the last paragraph?
A.Sweet is pleasure after pain.B.Experience must be bought.
C.Many drops make a shower.D.Good medicine tastes bitter.
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In March, days before her 15th birthday, Ashima Shiraishi successfully climbed Horizon on Mt. Hiei in Japan. She became the first woman and youngest person ever to solve the “V15” boulder( 攀岩) problem, considered the most difficult type of problem in the sport.

Shiraishi is also the world’s youngest person to solve the V10,V13,and V14 boulder problem, which she did at ages 8, 10, and 13.

“Once I have a project in mind, I don’t really give up,” she said. “And even if my skin is looking really bad from bouldering, I’ll just get back on it.”

The New York City native first got to know the sport at age 6 when she saw park-goers climbing Rat Rock in a city park in New York City. Attracted, she started climbing it every day after school and began training at an indoor climbing gym soon after.

She won her first competition at age 7, competing against grown women climbers.

“It was mostly the movement that really attracted me because it was almost like dancing. It felt like I was dancing on the rock,” she said.

Watching Shiraishi climb is like watching a dance of mental and physical courage. At 5-foot-1 and 100 pounds, she could be considered at a physical disadvantage compared to taller climbers who can reach holds more readily. But she makes up for it with smooth movements that only a climber of small size could make.

“The most important part of climbing is not really thinking at all. Once you start thinking, you doubt yourself, and that’s the worst that could happen to you,” she said.

Shiraishi hopes to compete on the most important stage for sports, the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, where climbing will make its first official appearance.

【小题1】When did Shiraishi start climbing?
A.After visiting an indoor climbing gym.
B.After seeing people climbing in a city park.
C.After watching a climbing competition.
D.After reading a news report about climbing.
【小题2】What is key to successful climbing according to Shiraishi?
A.Thinking about nothing.B.Encouraging yourself.
C.Receiving a lot of training.D.Entering a lot of competitions.
【小题3】Which of the following is Shiraishi’s wish?
A.She can solve the “V15” boulder problem.
B.Climbing will become an Olympic event.
C.She can take part in the Olympic Games.
D.Bouldering will attract more young people.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.A difficult boulder problem.B.The personal life of a teenager.
C.The popularity of bouldering.D.A successful young climber.

When I was 19 years old, I was at a dance club. As we were walking to my car one cold night, a man walked up to us. Behind him was a woman carrying a small child. The child had a jacket on but it wasn't buttoned up (扣上). The man began to tell us he wanted to borrow some money for the night to get his wife and kid into a hotel. He had a job but no place to live in and was waiting for the first paycheck. He said he could get our mailing address and mail the money back.

The guy I was with reached into his pocket to give this man a $20 bill. As the other man was extending his hand out to take the money, I put my hand on my new friends’ hand and said, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

I told him that every day people asked my mother for money on her way to work. She said they made more money than she did, simply begging for money. These people were scamming those with soft hearts. And if they were truly worried about their child suffering from the cold, they would have at least buttoned his jacket or covered him with his blanket.

My new friend looked at me with disappointment and said, “Michelle, I know there are people out there that take advantage of others. I also know there are people out there that are one paycheck away from being homeless. If I give $ 20 to 10 people and only one of them really needs it and uses it for the right thing, it is worth it.”

I am now 37 years old and have never forgotten what he said to me. I don't even remember his name. But I do remember that that experience changed the way I look at different situations.

【小题1】Where did this story happen?
A.Near a hotelB.Outside a dance club
C.Behind a mailboxD.In the dance club
【小题2】What do we know about the stranger according to the passage?
A.He had been begging for a long time near the dance club.
B.He would spend the cold night at an expensive hotel.
C.He was careless and didn't take good care of his child.
D.He might be just lying in order to get some money.
【小题3】Why did the author put her hand on her new friends' hand?
A.She wanted to tell him to give some more money to the stranger.
B.She believed her mother had already given the stranger some money.
C.She wanted to warn him not to be cheated by the stranger.
D.She asked her friend to pay more attention to the baby instead.
【小题4】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “ scamming ” in the 3rd paragraph?

Annette Larkins is an incredible woman who looks like a healthy 40-year-old, although she just turned 70. She follows a special raw diet and only drinks rainwater.

She looks so young that people mistake her to be the daughter, when she’s out with her husband of 54 years, but I suppose he isn’t complaining.

Mrs. Larkins says the secret to her beauty lies in her special diet, consisting of organic vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts grown in her own garden; she calls it the “fountain of youth”. The woman doesn’t touch anything that has been cooked.

And another strange thing she does is to collect rainwater, to keep her garden blossoming, but also to drink. But the residents of Miami-Dade County, Florida, didn’t always have such a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she consumed meat regularly, as her husband used to own a meat factory way back in the 1960s. It was then that she decided to change her eating habits forever. And what a great decision that was. I mean, just look at her!

When she started off, Mrs. Larkins was just looking for a few health benefits and never anticipated that she would look like a 40-year-old at the age of 70. Over the 27 years that she has been eating raw, Mrs. Larkins has written two booklets railed Journey to Health and also produced a DVD containing all her healthy secrets.

Her husband, Mr. Larkins, wishes he had followed her example, because now he looks much, much older and also suffers from diabetes(糖尿病)and high blood pressure. He takes prescription medicine every day, but Annette doesn’t even take an aspirin.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The organic food.
B.Her beauty.
C.Specially cooked food.
D.Her raw diet.
【小题2】What did the woman do with her healthy secrets?
A.She sold them to the local people.
B.She abandoned them at the age of 70.
C.She publicized them in various ways.
D.She improved them with her husband’s help.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards Mrs. Larkins’s lifestyle?
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Annette’s raw diet benefited her a lot,which makes her looked young.
B.Annette didn’t even take a medicine when she got older.
C.MR. Larkins wanted to become young by following his wife’s diet.
D.Mrs, Larkins owned a meat factory in the 1960s
