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It is easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuse are so easy to find -“I’m too tired.” Or “I’m busy” or “the weather is bad”. Don’t worry!【小题1】

Take baby steps. You would never try to run 10 miles on one day, right? When you do too much too soon, you will end up injured and discouraged. Take it easy as you get started. Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week.【小题2】

Show the clock who is a boss. Health experts say you should aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, plus weight training at least twice a week. If you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can’t exercise for 30 minutes once, break the exercise up into several sections, for example, 10 or 15minutes once.

【小题3】You should let your workout become a habit, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it is part of your routine, you won’t even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.

Keep it real. You’re not going to lose 30 pounds in a week.【小题4】For example, increase your workout time from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for more minute each time.

Celebrate!【小题5】Therefore, even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward yourself. Go out with friends, or buy a new pair of jeans.

A.Get used to it.
B.When it becomes easy for you, you can make it more challenging.
C.It takes weeks to see real changes.
D.Aim for something that’s realistic as a first step.
E.Keep a fitness journal to record your progress.
F.The following tricks can keep your fitness routine on track.
G.Do it for yourself.
知识点:方法/策略体育健身 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Neck pain is a widespread complaint in the information age, with many more of us spending a great deal of time glued to a computer, tablet or phone, or sitting in front of the TV. It’s also a common disease of aging, due to increasing wear and tear on the spine’s (脊椎) joints and tissues. At any given time, an estimated 39 percent of people over 65 have discomfort in their necks. Assuming an injury or potential disease isn’t causing the condition, here are some tips from some experts for managing the discomfort, as well as the best stiff (僵硬) neck remedies.

Sleep off a stiff neck. If you’re looking for stiff neck relief, getting a good night’s sleep — which represents roughly a third of your day — is a good place to start. Choose a relatively firm mattress (床垫) and use only enough pillows to keep your head level with the rest of your body — one is usually sufficient. For sleep that is even more neck-friendly, try lying on your back with pillow support under your knees. This will flatten and relax your spinal muscles.

When it comes to computer use, make sure the monitor is at arm’s length and eye level. Laptops have poor posture built into their designs: if the keyboard is near enough to be comfortable, then the screen is too close, and if the screen is positioned correctly, the keyboard is too far away, forcing you to bend forward. You can solve this problem by placing the device on a bunch of large books or a laptop stand and using a separate keyboard and mouse.

There is evidence to suggest home exercises may be effective against short-term neck discomfort (lasting for 12 weeks or less). “There are many possible reasons for neck pain, including stress, poor posture and organ aging,” explains Dr Michael Westaway, a musculoskeletal clinical specialist. “Treatment is often varied and may include an exercise program. For severe cases, there are painkillers, injections and surgery. However, resist the urge to immediately take aggressive measures, since simpler steps will often ease this everyday pain,” Michael Westaway warned.

【小题1】Why do people suffer more from neck pain in the information age?
A.Various stresses from work.B.More access to the digital facility
C.Poor diets and unhealthy eating habits.D.Higher cost of going to see the doctor.
【小题2】What may benefit your neck while sleeping?
A.More pillows to support your head.
B.Less than 1/3 of your day for sleeping every day.
C.Sleeping on your back with pillows under the knees.
D.Selecting a relatively soft and comfortable mattress.
【小题3】What does the unlined word “posture” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Applications.B.Technologies.C.Position of the body.D.Size of the laptops or computers.
【小题4】What may Michael Westaway agree with?
A.Physical exercises every day is the only way for the neck suffering.
B.Painkiller is the immediate solution to neck pain.
C.There’s no cure for severe neck pain sufferers.
D.Simple steps of neck exercises really works.

Everyone wants to be successful. For a student, being successful means achieving his goals and scoring good marks. Successful students manage their studies and recreation (娱乐) time effectively. 【小题1】.

Set SMART goals. In students’ life, the very first benefit of setting a goal is achieving success in their academic life. 【小题2】. Developing a SMART goal is essential (极其重要的) for your bright future. Such a goal stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. This helps them achieve what they want in life and work according to their goals.

【小题3】. This not only shows respect towards them but also helps you understand and grasp the subject easily. While it’s obvious that you don’t need to love every single subject, it’s also important to avoid all distractions (干扰) near you and pay attention in class rather than chatting with your friends.

Don’t compare with others. Never do the comparison with others, because everyone has their abilities and capabilities. Good students succeed in their capabilities. Don’t copy what others do, but follow your own way. Comparison will make you feel discouraged. 【小题4】, because at last, all that matters is your success.

Learn from your mistakes. 【小题5】. A successful student learns from his own mistakes and tries to improve further. You can’t learn from your mistakes until you admit that you have done it. It is the best thing when you get to know what wrong you have done and how to resolve (解决) this.

A.Take part in group discussion actively
B.It marks their first step towards success
C.Pay attention to what teachers say in the classroom
D.Some effective practices can help avoid this problem
E.Here are some necessary steps for students to achieve success
F.Don’t worry about what your friends, neighbors, or partners are doing
G.Important life lessons can be gained by improving from your mistakes

When it comes to travelling around Europe, it's important to have a budget in mind. Here are some tips for getting the most out of Germany while saving your money.


Transport is “the big one” and cycling may be the cheapest alternative among all the modes(方式) of transport.

Tom Bourlet, a Brighton-based travel blogger at Spaghetti Traveller, talked to us about transport in Germany and advised that slower, regional(区域的) trains will be more affordable in comparison to those that are high-speed.

He continued, “If choosing a train journey, buy the ticket several months in advance to get a great offer.”

If you intend to use the Eurostar train, keep in mind that you can save money by buying tickets at least a week in advance. Shopping around can also offer reduced prices. A daily or weekly card for a train or a bus may also be worth investing in. Bourlet continues, “While the trains run like clock-work with high efficiency, the buses run relatively slowly, often arriving late to their destination.”

Ask a travel agent

In an age of technology, we don't always consider going to a travel agent when booking on holiday. If you do, ask them for recommendations, they can give you insider tips. Make sure that they are aware of your set budget before signing up to anything.


Region to region, Germany's cuisine will differ slightly. As a general rule, outside the city centre will be cheaper—the further you go, the less expensive it is. Bear this in mind when setting a daily budget for your meals.


Make sure you book your tickets for the landmarks before your trip as there's likely to be a discount when you do this. You may also want to consider a guided tour which is often free.

Before you go

Make sure you buy currency before you leave. This could prevent you being charged extra for withdrawing money and you're more likely to get a good exchange rate.

【小题1】Which transport is probably the cheapest to travel in Germany?
A.Regional trains.B.High-speed trains.
C.City buses.D.Bicycles.
【小题2】What can we know about the Eurostar train?
A.It runs relatively slowly.
B.The meals on it must be expensive.
C.Travelers can enjoy a discount when shopping around.
D.Booking tickets three days in advance may save your money.
【小题3】In which section of a website may the text appear?
