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Everybody may have that one neighbor, who just looks out of the window, looking angry at everyone and everything that crosses the path. And though we think we know what’s going on in is head, we could be wrong.

There is such a person in our community. First you see this bad-tempered old man looking out of his window, taking in everything that is happening on his block. He looks annoyed by just everything. But his heart is solid gold. When he saw one neighbor shouting angrily at her son after he broke her coffee maker, this ill-tempered old man went and bought her a new one.

But he didn’t want her to know so, instead he made it look like he was just throwing it away. And that one secret good deed was just the tip of the iceberg. When he saw another neighbor with a crying baby because of the heat, he got a fan, took it to his room and made it look like it had been sitting for forever. He thought he was being strange and no one would know all the kindness he had shared. But a boy next door knew this ill-tempered neighbor’s secrets. He carefully drew a picture of the old man dressed as Santa and put it on the wall.

So when Christmas came, this little boy had a surprise for the block’s secret Santa. This precious poster is such an important reminder that the holiday season is about giving out of love, even if no one knows. How sweet this is!

【小题1】What impression does the old man leave on his neighbors?
【小题2】Why did the old man pretend to throw away his coffee maker?
A.To help a mother and her son.B.To show off his wealthy life.
C.To get rid of a useless thing.D.To create a peaceful neighborhood.
【小题3】What do we know about the bad-tempered old man?
A.He wanted to scare his neighbors.
B.He did many good deeds secretly.
C.He told his secrets to the little boy.
D.He was really angry with all his neighbors.
【小题4】Why did the little boy draw the old man as a Santa?
A.To blame the neighbours.
B.To play a trick on the old man.
C.To show the old man’s kindness.
D.To make the old man embarrassed.
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I was born with epilepsy, a disease of the nervous system that causes a person to fall unconscious. I first suffered from it at 3.My mother was also born with it, but only ever so often short periods, Elementary and Junior High were not easy for me. I was unable to take part in sports and events like the other students. I was being treated with medicines, as they were trying to find the right ones for me. I was a victim of bullying. and often got off the school bus crying. I had friends and good times, but I was never happy at school. I would rather stay at home and play the piano and read books.
The first two years of High School were the worst. I was bullied by girls and guys who didn't want to get to know me. I soon felt like there was something wrong with me. I felt alone, and my relationship with God was falling. Junior year, I took part in volleyball and cheerleading, and was Very 8uccessful in the two. I made t}1ree Very close friends, and I soon started acting like myself.
Senior year, I was Voted class clown, and I grew so strong and I shared my kindness with all around me, and stood up for what was right.
When l went off to college, I started attending church and my relationship with Cod was close again, like my younger days in Sunday sch001.1 wouldn't go back and change anything. I came to a conclusion. It was my mom who helped me and stood by my side all those years, and it was God who carried me. I am stronger than ever before, and I will never become discouraged about the bullying. I still have my beautiful family, and nothing else will take away those memories. If these difficulties and efforts bring us closer to God, then bring on the rain.
【小题1】WIly would the author stay at home rather than play with others?
A.Because she had no friends at all to play with.
B.Because she often suffered from epilepsy.
C.Because she was often bullied by others.
D.Because she had no skills in plays.
【小题2】From the passage we can know the author was——when in Elementary and Junior High schools.
【小题3】Who gave the author greatest help in the author's life?
A.The GodB.Her teacher
C.Her friendsD.Her mother

How can kids become heroes? Do they have to save the world? No. To become a hero, kids just have to think about what others need and find a way to help. Katie Stagliano is one of those hero kids.

Katie loved to garden. When she was 9, she harvested a huge cabbage which weighed 40 pounds. The cabbage was far bigger than what her family needed, so she thought about what to do with it.

She knew that there were lots of hungry people in South California, where she lived. So she decided to donate her enormous cabbage to a soup kitchen. It turned out that her kind donation helped feed more than 275 people.

Then Katie thought about other gardeners who had more vegetables than they could eat.

Suddenly, she saw a way to solve both problems. Katie realized that she could help fight against hunger by encouraging kids to plant vegetable gardens and donate their harvest to hungry people. That's how Katie's Krops was born.

Katie says, "My dream is that there are no hungry people." To make that dream come true, Katie got her whole school involved. The students planted a huge garden, but Katie knew she could do more. She contacted an organization called Fields to Families, which sent a master gardener to help.

It's so great to help people," Katie adds, but kids don't have to grow huge cabbages. If they could grow "even one vegetable plant and donate the harvest to a local soup kitchen, we could make a huge difference in the fight against hunger".

It's been several years since Katie Stagliano started work on her dream. Today, more than 60 gardens around the United States are being grown by kids. Young gardeners have donated tens of thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables to stop hunger.

Sadly, many people are still hungry. However, Katie's Krops and hundreds of child gardeners are planting and harvesting to change that.

【小题1】What did Katie Stagliano want to do?
A.She wanted to be a hero.B.She wanted to grow a huge cabbage.
C.She wanted to help those hungry people.D.She wanted to encourage kids to donate vegetables.
【小题2】What made Katie start to help hungry people?
A.Her harvest of a big cabbage.B.Her duty to help the poor.
C.Her interest in planting vegetables.D.Her desire to become a hero.
【小题3】What did Katie do to realise her dream?
A.She planted a huge garden.B.She asked an organization for help.
C.She donated her harvest to her school.D.She encouraged all the citizens to work with her.
【小题4】What is the best title of this text?
A.A Hero Kid.B.The Harvest Donation.
C.Child Gardeners.D.Katie Stagliano's Dream.

Alex Elman runs a big business — something hard to imagine after she lost her sight in her twenties. But Elman says that losing her sight helped her focus on finding success.

Elman’s father planted a hillside vineyard (葡萄园) in western Massachusetts in 1981. It’s where Elman fled during the darkest period of her life. When she was 27 years old, she went blind due to complications from juvenile diabetes (青少年糖尿病) 17 years ago. She recalled, “I hid in my home. I hid in the place, to me, that was the safest place in the world.”

Elman is now the founder of Alex Elman Wines, a growing collection of organic wines from all around the world: Chianti from Italy, Torrontes from Argentina. Elman doesn’t work alone. Her assistant, a guide dog named Hanley, is something of a wine taster, and quite a beggar. Hanley travels to all of the wineries that Elman does, from South America to Europe.

At first, Elman resisted the idea of a seeing-eye dog. Now it’s hard to imagine her life, or her business, without him. She said, “When someone tells me something is organic and I don’t really believe it because I taste something funny on it, I’ll put it in front of his face and if he likes the wine, he’ll actually go in and sniff it. If it’s not right, he’ll turn his head away ... He gets in the dirt with me. He scratches around. He makes sure that we see earthworms and butterflies. That’s how we know that the soil is actually organic, that there are no chemicals.”

Elman told CBS News she believes the loss of her vision was a gift. She said, “It allowed me to pay attention to what I thought was important and also to be able to teach people that the broken hang nail is not a big deal, you know what I mean? Don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t sweat the big stuff either.”

【小题1】Elman hid herself in her father’s vineyard probably because she ________.
A.expected to recover her sight sooner or later
B.wanted from juvenile diabetes from 27 years old
C.suffered from juvenile diabetes from 27 years old
D.would like to help her father with farm work
【小题2】The underlined phrase “the broken hang nail” (in para5) probably refers to ________.
A.a nail which is of no useB.a disadvantage you have in your life
C.a person who is hard to deal withD.a task that is not easy to accomplish
【小题3】Whenever Elman couldn’t judge the wine exactly, she would ________.
A.make Hanley drink itB.turn to Hanley for advice
C.order Hanley to head awayD.have another taste herself
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following will Elman most probably agree with?
A.There is no royal road to success.B.A single tree does not make a forest.
C.The eye is blind if the mind is absent.D.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
