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Soon after Savannah Phillips got fastened into her window seat on a United Airlines flight from Oklahoma to Illinois this past May,she glanced over at her seatmate.He was in his 60s, wore bright yellow sunglasses,and was busy texting.The letters were unusually large and the   screen was bright,making it easy for Phillips to read what he was typing out:"Hey Babe,I'm sitting next to a smelly fatty."

"It was like confirmation of the negative things I think about myself on a daily basis,"the 33-year-old mother wrote in a Facebook post after the flight.Soon tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged the cabin wall,trying to make herself as small as possible.

Sitting a row behind them and across the walkway was Chase Irwin,a 35-year-old bar manager from Nashville,Tennessee.He could see the man's texts,too-and he could see Phillips."I noticed her looking at his phone,"Irwin told wsmv.com."I was sick to my stomach.I could not have this guy sit next to her this whole flight and her thinking he's making fun of her," he told Nashville's News Channel 5.

In an instant,Irwin had unfastened his seat belt and was overlooking the texter."Hey,I   need to talk to you,"Irwin told him."We are switching seats-now."When the texter asked why,Irwin said,"You're texting about her,and I'm not putting up with that."

The texter agreed quickly.Irwin took his place next to Phillips and was soon cheering up his new seatmate.

"He encouraged me not to let that guy get to me and that everything was going to be fine," Phillips wrote.And he was right.She and Irwin spent the rest of the flight chatting like old friends.

With her faith in humanity restored,Phillips wrote on Facebook,"The flight attendant told him that he was her hero.He wasn't her hero-he was mine."

【小题1】Why did Savannah Phillips weep?
A.She sensed her seatmate's unfriendliness.
B.She was confirmed that her seatmate was ill.
C.She was disgusted by the smelly seatmate.
D.She felt embarrassed at her weight problem.
【小题2】What do we know from Chase Irwin's words in the third paragraph?
A.He had a stomachache.
B.He was familiar with Phillips.
C.He liked Philips.
D.He was kind by nature.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Philips didn't believe in humanity.
B.Philips was grateful to Chase Irwin.
C.Such heroes were needed in every flight.
D.Flight attendants should deal with such incidents.
【小题4】What's the best title for the passage?
A.A hero of the attendant
B.Humanity lost forever
C.A romantic encounter
D.A journey of hurt and delight
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Michael Priscilla is a young architect with a blog that I follow. In a post, he described how in 2005, he rode coast-to-coast, 4547 miles to Portland, Oregon, and he ended up staying there. He thought his experience changed his life.

The story resonated with me, because when I was 17, the summer before I went into architecture school, I did much the same thing, and it changed my life too. I did not go quite as far, traveling 2700 miles to Vancouver.

But it was still a very long way and in 1970, nobody was riding bikes. Our diet only consisted of a loaf of white bread and a jar of peanut butter each meal, or dinner with other people in the campgrounds who were just amazed that we were doing this. Equipment was primitive and we had no sunscreen.

But, as it was for Michael, it was a life-changing experience. I have never forgotten that everything weighs something and every ounce matters; in architecture I always tended toward light and portable and simple. I learned that people of all ages and origins are generally really, really nice and helpful and friendly. When I got back to architecture school, I saw the world differently, understood space and time differently, and I don’t think that ever left me.

Going with the flow, having a good attitude and just being open to accept whatever happens, is the formula (公式) to having an amazing experience. Worrying and planning too much stops any experience from ever taking place. This is a hard lesson to learn.

Nowadays, lots of people of all ages are doing it. In America and Europe, bicycle tourism has become a big deal, with one website noting that bicycle vacations are the new golf. Perhaps crossing the entire country is a bit much, but reading Michael’s post makes me want to get back on my bike and take a good long ride.

【小题1】With the story “resonating” with me, the author meant __________.
A.a reminder for the life-changing eventB.their riding with similar distances
C.a comparison of educational backgroundD.their popularity among blog followers
【小题2】How can we best describe the author’s bicycling experience?
【小题3】What advice will the author most likely give to the cyclists?
A.Choosing a nice route.B.Buying a comfortable bike.
C.Finding a good companion.D.Not making too many plans.
【小题4】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To recall an experience.B.To introduce a blogger.
C.To explain a phenomenon.D.To recommend a tour route.

A young woman was walking in Santa Ana, California, when she came upon an elderly street vendor (小贩) selling tamales (玉米粉蒸肉). Seeing how tired he looked in his wheelchair, she decided to give him a few bucks and a sandwich—and she also gave him a sympathetic ear to listen to his story.

When Kenia Barragan first saw Jose Villa Ochoa, she thought of her own parents. “I felt for him,” she told KTTV News, “My parents are both older, and I would hate to see my dad out selling tamales for somebody and barely making ends meet.”

Known as “Don Joel”, he explained that although he wanted a job, no company would hire him because of his age. In order to keep himself out of debt, he started to sell tamales cooked by a local woman. At the end of each hard day, she would give him a cut of the earnings. This allowed him to buy food, but was not enough for him to afford his medical treatment or a phone.

The 28-year-old woman was happy to listen to Don Joel’s story, but she wanted to do more. She made an appeal to her followers on Instagram for some assistance. Within a week, friends and strangers flooded her with more than $84 000 in donations.

In addition to the money raised for Don Joel’s retirement, Kenia purchased him a new wheelchair and a shiny new pair of shoes. Even though he’s 94, he says he feels like he’s 40 now, because the kindness has made him feel so alive. He describes the generosity as “life-changing”.

Kenia feels exactly the same way. She says she’s always looking for a purpose that helps people and that she’s been living in line with those values in her current job, working with people who have disabilities to get them transportation. Her goal in life is to establish a homeless shelter.

【小题1】Why did Don Joel sell tamales?
A.To buy a new wheelchair.B.To struggle for a living.
C.To pay off his medical debt.D.To help a local woman.
【小题2】How did Kenia change Don Joel’s life?
A.By establishing a homeless shelter.B.By giving him money and sandwiches.
C.By collecting donations on Instagram.D.By listening to his story attentively.
【小题3】What can we infer about Kenia in the text?
A.She disliked her father because of his job.
B.She is a wealthy woman ready to help others.
C.She helped Don Joel when she was 40 years old.
D.She is a kind woman aiming to do more charity.
【小题4】What does the author want to tell us?
A.Rose given, fragrant in hand.B.The best hearts are always the bravest.
C.No pain, no gain.D.Sharp tools make good work.

Look people in the eye. Smile. Shake hands. Sit up tall. Speak confidently. That’s the last-minute advice Professor Paul Calhoun gives college students before they head off for job interviews. The Skidmore College seniors he’s talking to are dressed in suits, dresses and heels. They stand out in a college library with other finals-takers, most in sweatpants or T-shirts.

There isn’t an actual job interview, just a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade from a popular, semester-long class called Presenting the Brand Called Me at this college in New York.

Calhoun created the popular, semester-long course 10 years ago. He’d spent more than three decades working in the banking industry, where he saw the importance of presentation skills: “A lot of it is acting.”

When Calhoun came to Skidmore as a business professor, he noticed a lot of students struggling with self-confidence and public speaking. He shaped what eventually became this class with the help of theater professors, in order to give business majors “the same training that the theater department gives to actors.”

Over the 13 weeks, there are dance classes, role-playing, and a group of guest speakers who talk about cover letters and resumes(简历). By the end of the course, students leave with a “STAR” story — the short story about yourself and your abilities that’s designed to help land you a job.“People don’t remember when you tell them you’re good at something,” Calhoun explains, “they remember when you tell them a story that proves you’re good at something.”

Dante Delemos is a junior business major, soft-spoken but confident. He says this class has helped him realize that telling a story — his story — has value, so he uses it whenever he can: in cover letters, to shape his resume and during interviews. And it worked. Delemos is spending the summer working in finance, with an internship(实习) in Manhattan.

【小题1】What students are advised by Professor Calhoun to do for job interviews?
A.Wear school uniforms.
B.Look people all the time.
C.Speak casually and happily.
D.Behave well and confidently.
【小题2】What does Calhoun learn from his past experience in the banking industry?
A.Most businessmen are badly short of presentation skills..
B.Doing business is exactly the same as acting.
C.Acting is a kind of popular business for interviewees.
D.Knowing how to present oneself is of great importance.
【小题3】What does Calhoun think more important according to the last but one paragraph?
A.Telling others your strong points.
B.Sending others your cover letters.
C.Impressing others with your story.
D.Showing others your course grades.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describes Dante Delemos?
A.Young but overconfident
B.Gentle but self-trusted
C.Competent and hard-working
D.Eager and promising
