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How to Work From Home

As more companies across nearly every industry accommodate an increasing number of employees wishing to forego (摒弃) the morning commute and office pantry footfall, remote work has become an increasingly easy and breathlessly practical option for many who seek it.【小题1】.

【小题2】. It’s a culmination (巅峰) of what I’ve learned along the way.

Don’t sleep where you work. Whether it’s a rented office space or a den converted (转换) into a home office or a cabin in the woods for that matter, find a space away from your bedroom to work.

【小题3】. “Having a consistent schedule and being kind of strict about it is really useful for drawing outlines around your time so that you can keep things balanced for both work and play,” said Jacqui Cheng, editor in chief of Wirecutter, and someone who’s worked from home full time for over 12 years.

Plan against distractions.【小题4】You can explain to your family members or children that your work area is off limits, and they should avoid interrupting unless it’s important.

Trying to mix work and free time runs the danger of never quite powering down or shutting off.【小题5】. Besides, your friends and family miss out on the time you would spend with them if you worked in an office instead of at home. Make sure to enforce your boundaries.

A.Get into your groove.
B.Set boundaries if you’re working at home.
C.Here is a modest guide to becoming a successful remote employee
D.I can comfortably and productively contribute a solid day’s work from almost anywhere.
E.And it can lead to burnout and depression from feeling like you’re always on and available.
F.There are many things that contribute to becoming a successful work-from-home employee.
G.Close your work chat programs and emails and consider yourself “out for the day,” and “home now.”
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Speaking of tests, the amount of competition is so high that it nearly makes students suffer from the fear of exams. 【小题1】.

Prepare in advance. To stand out in an exam, it is necessary to start your preparation in advance. Do not waste your precious time and wait until a week or day before the exam starts to study the subject. 【小题2】.

Make a timetable. Now that you have received the exam schedule, prepare for it by making a timetable. Work it out yourself and see if you can get adjusted to it. By parting time to every activity, you can limit your other activities and focus more on studies.

Concentrate on Study. If you can focus well in the morning, then wake up early and finish the difficult parts of most of your study. But if you can concentrate better at night, then better start your studies at night after resting for the entire day. 【小题3】. Probably you are physically or mentally tired. At this moment, a short break will help you concentrate better.

【小题4】. When preparing for your test, try practicing to be positive. If you find yourself getting lost in negative thoughts, stop whatever you are doing and go out for a walk. Focus on positive thoughts and you will achieve the much-needed peace of mind.

Get enough sleep. As the exams come near, don’t overwork yourself. Keep your mind and body in a healthy state by getting enough sleep. 【小题5】. You senses will be more sharp and you can respond to any situations better.

A.Keep calm.
B.Think positively.
C.If you have a good rest, you’ll be prepared for the next day.
D.Here are the tips that help yourself overcome this fear of exams.
E.Take some short breaks, if you find it difficult to study at any time.
F.If you have a calm mind, you will be able to focus more on your studies.
G.As soon as you get an exam schedule, start your preparations immediately.

Five Ways to Fight Depression

If you feel depressed, it’s best to do something about it. In addition to getting help from a doctor, here are five things you can do to feel better.

Exercise.        【小题1】Or you can dance, jog, or bike if you prefer. People who are depressed may not feel much like being active. But make yourself do it anyway. Once you get in the exercise habit, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood.

Nurture yourself with good nutrition(营养).   One person may not feel like eating at all, but another might overeat. If depression has affected your eating, you’ll need to be extra mindful of getting the right nutrition. Proper nutrition can influence a person’s mood and energy.【小题2】

Identify troubles. Try to identify any situations that have contributed to your depression.

【小题3】Talking is a way to release the feelings and to receive some understanding.

Express yourself. With depression, a person’s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked. Exercise your imagination and you not only get those creative juices flowing, you also loosen up some positive emotions. Take time to play with a friend or a pet, or   do something   fun   for yourself. Find something to laugh about — a funny movie, perhaps.            【小题4】

【小题5】Depression affects a person’s thoughts, making everything seem negative, and hopeless. If depression has you notice only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life. Try to notice one thing, then try to think of one more. Consider your strengths, gifts, or blessings. Most of all, don’t forget to be patient with yourself. Depression takes time to heal(治愈).

A.Laugh at it anyway.
B.Try to notice good things.
C.Laughter helps lighten your mood.
D.Take a 15-30 minute walk every day.
E.So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get regular meals.
F.As we know, depression has a bad and lasting influence on us.
G.When you know what's got you feeling blue and why, talk about it with a caring friend.

Tests can be worrying even for the most prepared students. When some students take tests, their minds don’t work as well as usual. They may experience something called test anxiety (焦虑), which can have a negative influence on their performance. Well, the following tips can help you pass your next test more easily and achieve more success!

Get Enough Sleep

6 hours of sleep or less can slow your mind and thus has negative effects on your performance on tests, even if you spend those missed hours of sleep studying. So, it’s very important for you to get a good night of sleep before your big day.

Study Smarter

How do you study ‘smarter’? Make a list of the things you need to learn in order of importance. That way, if you don’t have enough time, you can still hit the items at the top of the list. Make a list of all the work you have to do, judge how much time each item will take, and compare that with the number of hours you have available; this will tell you whether you can read carefully or just skim, how much time you can spend checking papers, and tell you other ways to pace yourself so you can get everything done. If your time is still limited, it’s important to learn to let go of being perfect.

Visualize (想象) Success

Before you fall asleep each night, it is a great way to visualize yourself taking the tests and doing wonderfully. Detailed visualizations can help you feel like you’re really experiencing something,and visualizing yourself doing well is a way to ‘practice’ success in a way that can help you perform better and feel confident. Visualizations can also help you to remember the facts.

Stay Calm

Anxiety can harm your memory, so it’s important to stay calm before and during tests. While that’s easier said than done, there are several techniques that can help you calm down quickly whenever you feel nervous. For example, breathing exercise has been shown by research to reduce test anxiety, and can be very effective in helping you relax: just take deep breaths and let the anxiety come out.

How to deal with your test anxiety

to test anxiety
Students feel nervous before or during tests even though they have made good 【小题2】.
Tips that make it【小题3】
for you to pass tests

Get Enough Sleep

● Less sleep makes your mind slow down and makes much 【小题4】to your performance.

Study Smarter

● You can 【小题5】 the most important things you need to learn.
【小题6】 to give up the idea of being perfect is also necessary.

Visualize Success

● Visualizing yourself taking the tests and doing well helps you increase 【小题7】 .
●Visualizations can also help you to 【小题8】 the facts in mind.

Stay Calm

● Keep calm or anxiety can be 【小题9】 to your memory.
● Breathing exercise can be effective in helping you feel 【小题10】.
