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The slogan for the Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development Fund is"In Love With China"-and this special message has bcen shown in its own logo.The logo uses the characters for"wind"and"phoenix"(凤凰)in ancient oracle bone script(甲骨文)on a circular Chinese fan.

Madam Kang Jiaqi,the executive director of CHSDF, IN LOVE WITH CHINA explains the many layers of meaning behind the logo:“The logo adopts the writing style of oracle bone script-dating back over 3,000 years-carved onto either turtle shell or ox bones.

"The Chinese character for*wind' and the character for"phoenix' are almost the same,with just one stroke difference.In China's ancient past,the character for"phoenix' was widely considered to bring peace and happiness and represents good fortune.The character"wind' has a long history and is also known as a name representing culture and spiritual power."

"Both the characters"wind' and 'phoenix 'share the same component in their characters,which is also used in the slogan 'In Love With China'.This extraordinary combination represents how experts lead fashion,which in turn leads culture-and that culture is the basis of creativity.Therefore,it represents the importance of traditional Chinese culture in global creativity.

"Taking the Chinese oracle bone character of"wind 'and' phoenix' as our logo represents the beginning of Chinese civilization,which suggests that it can pass on Chinese culture through the cooperation between the CHSDF and the cooperative platform of global designers,"explains Jiaqi.

Logo artist Sam Chung similarly explains her design process,"The decision of the oracle bone script of' wind' comes from the root of the character itself.Originated from the character shape of 'phoenix,''wind's 'oracle bone script still presents wonder, despite its more circular shape.The three tassels(流苏)at the end of the moon-shaped fan further give a feeling of lightness while hinting at both Eastern and Western flavors."

【小题1】What do we know about the logo?
A.It's carved on turtle shells.
B.It's drawn on circular Chinese fans.
C.It's designed in a new writing style.
D.It's a combination of two similar characters.
【小题2】Why are' wind' and 'phoenix' chosen?
A.They are easily written.
B.They symbolize good fortune.
C.They represent Chinese cultural and spiritual power.
D.They promote global creativity based on Chinese culture.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Sam Chung is the actual designer of the logo.
B.The idea for the logo comes from abroad.
C.The director has little say in the decision.
D.Tassels are symbol of western culture.
【小题4】What's the passage mainly about?
A.Chinese influence on the world.
B.The making of the logo for CHSDF.
C.Chinese culture and civilization.
D.Chinese characters 'wind' and' phoenix'.
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When learning a new language, speakers often have non-native accents. Linguistic research suggests such accent is shaped by the speaker’s first language that they learned when growing up. Schepens’ team’s research puts new light on just how strong these effects can be.

There’re similar researches from other scientists, but Schepens’ team analyzed a data set of more than 50,000 adults, who learned Dutch as their second or third languages. Besides, these adults came from more than 60 different first language backgrounds. These data were collected through a state exam administered by the Dutch government for foreigners that enter Holland. The exam rated each test taker’s Dutch speaking proficiency(熟练,水平)

The team found that about half of the individual difference in the proficiency of learners could be accounted for by a handful of reasons: the learner’s education and sex(women had higher scores than men), the learner’s age when they arrived in Holland, the time they spent in Holland, and the learner’s first language. This last reason was the most prominent one since it accounts for 50 percent of the explained difference in learners’ proficiency.

What leads to this? Working with professor Hout, Schepens’s team studied the linguistic similarity between Dutch and the 62 first languages spoken by different learners in the database. The huge majority---about 80 percent---of the effect of the language background was explained by linguistic similarity. Of the test takers who grew up speaking Arabic, only about 5 percent scored higher in Dutch speaking proficiency than the worst 50 percent of the test takers that grew up speaking German.

“Our results suggest this is largely due to the fact that German shares many linguistic characteristics with Dutch, but Arabic does not,” says Schepens.

“This suggests a large part of the non-nativeness of a learner is simply due to the language they grew up with, and this reason is entirely out of their control,” says Florian Jaeger. “The result can play a part in language teaching.”

【小题1】What’s Schepens’ team’s research mainly about?
A.the difference between first languages.
B.the best ways for foreigners to learn Dutch.
C.the strengths of Holland’s state exam on language.
D.the first language’s influence on new language learning.
【小题2】How does Schepens’ team’s research differ from those similar ones?
A.being carried out on a larger scale
B.gaining more countries’ support
C.testing those able to speak many languages
D.being based on teenagers from Germany and Holland
【小题3】What does the underlined “prominent” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题4】What did Schepens’ team learn from the teamwork with Hout?
A.European languages have lots of similarities
B.Arabic-speaking people find it easy to learn German
C.Many test takers have poor first language proficiency
D.Linguistic similarity benefits learners’ foreign language proficiency

The size of the British Isles often leads people to think that the languages spoken in its countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are somewhat the same. At first, visitors are often surprised to find that they have difficulty in understanding the accents(口音)and dialects(方言)of certain regions. Even in England there are many different dialects.

Experts believe that for most English people, the places they come from are very important to them. Accents are clues to where people were born and where they grew up. Although some people may change the way they speak during their lifetime, most people carry at least some evidence of their accents and dialects throughout their lives. In addition to the regional accents of England, there can also be class difference among the accents. People are often able to make instant and unconscious judgments about a stranger’s class by listening to his or her accent. Both the words and the pronunciation of an individual reflect his or her social position.

It is agreed that in England, the kind of English spoken by a person plays a leading role that generally is not important in North America.. The importance of accents and their cultural and social relationships are well represented in films and on television in Britain. The film My Fair Lady based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1912 play Pygmalion is often said to be a wonderful example of how social class and the accent were, and still are, linked in Britain.

【小题1】Most people carry some evidence of their accents and dialects in their lives to ____.
A.show they are different from othersB.show the places they are from
C.change the way they speakD.show they don’t like standard English
【小题2】Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.An Englishman’s accent reflects his social position.
B.In Britain some films show us the importance of accents.
C.The English spoken by a person plays an important role in North America.
D.An Englishman’s accent is a clue to where he was born and where he grew up.
【小题3】How do people in England know a person’s class?
A.By speaking to him.B.By guessing.
C.By showing something to him.D.By judging from his appearance.
【小题4】What’s the film My Fair Lady about?
A.It shows how a boy learned English.
B.It is a love story between two lovers with different accents.
C.It shows how social class and accent are linked in Britain.
D.It shows the relationships between people from different classes.

While they were still growing up, kids are basically vacuums for vocabulary. It is estimated that a normal kid at the age of 6 possesses a remarkable vocabulary of about thirteen thousand words!

That’s an amazing accomplishment because preliterate children just perceive spoken words and do not have a chance to work on those words. Rather, they learn a fresh vocabulary every 2 hours when awake, regularly. This is particularly extraordinary since the best effective ways for mnemonic devices(记忆术) do not assist with words individually.

A mnemonic has been a training method that changes what we wish to recall to more unforgettable things. For instance, if you desire to get an education on reading music, an easy approach to learning the EGBDF has been recalling the sentence Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge. However, that doesn’t apply to individual words. Due to the lack of simple methods to recall words, children’s brains need to have an inherent(固有的), strong structure for fast learning a language.

But, as we become older, we start to miss those remarkable skills. Every adult finds it difficult at the time of learning a different tongue, as the ability seems to decline with age. A psychologist, Elisa Newport, did research on people who immigrated(移民) to the US. She discovered that the people who immigrated in the age range of 3 — 7 had been as expert in the grammar of English as those who were US-born. But those who arrived in the age range of 8 — 15, did much worse.

A similar thing can be noticed at the time of learning the initial language. In the past, a small number of kids were raised with no human touch, regularly as a result of negligence. They are called the “wolf children”, similar to “Genie”, the girl who was found at the age of 13 around 1970. Since she was raised with no human touch, she could not create even simple grammatical sentences.

【小题1】Which word can best describe preliterate kids’vocabulary learning?
【小题2】What’s the disadvantage of the mnemonic in terms of music reading?
A.It can be easily forgotten by little kids.B.It involves only letters and listening ability.
C.It is actually meaningless to most people.D.It can’t be used to recall individual words.
【小题3】What’s psychologist Elisa Newport’s new finding?
A.People’s language abilities decline as they age.
B.3 — 7 is a better age range for learning a new language.
C.Kids lose their interest in grammar as they grow older.
D.Kids aged 8 — 15 can’t learn a foreign language well.
【小题4】What does Genie’s example seem to indicate?
A.It’s better to immigrate to learn a foreign tongue.
B.It’s urgent to learn a language at the proper age.
C.Every animal possesses a language of their own.
D.A language can be acquired without human touch.
