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You might have been told before that watching American TV series is a good way to improve your English. The show Friends is one of the most commonly suggested shows for English students.

Friends is a classic American situation comedy, or sitcom for short. Ever since its first episode (集) aired in 1994, it has been one of the most popular sitcoms. What has made the show so popular?

Its humor is, of course, the main reason. Sitcoms like Friends are full of lighthearted and funny jokes. According to research done by American TV blogger Talib Visram, the number of jokes in popular US sitcoms ranges from 3.4 to 7.4 per minute. Friends takes a moderate pace and has 6 jokes per minute. This pace of humor keeps the audience relaxed, but also fully involved in the show.

When you laugh at the jokes, you might hear people laughing along with you on the show.

This is another special feature of sitcoms — the laugh track (音轨). Dating back to the 1940s, the laugh track aims to create a theater experience at home. This makes the show even more interesting — when others laugh, we want to laugh too.

But sitcoms are not only about jokes and laughs. As American writer Ken Sanes said, sitcoms are often about the small matters of daily life and every character is as real as we are. They have fears, desires and foolish emotions, and also do crazy things. The weaknesses they show help us relate to them.

“Sitcoms give us permission to move beyond the idealized images of ourselves and the world,” as Sanes wrote. “They give us permission to be imperfect.”

How sitcoms change our language?

Sitcoms influence people on a cultural level. One way they do this is through language. Many sitcom characters have their own catchphrases (流行语). When they become popular, they can change the way people talk in real life.

【小题1】Friends is popular among people mainly because         ?
A.it brings people laughter and relaxation
B.it is the best way to help people learn English
C.it has been popular for more than 30 years
D.it was suggested by experts in the US
【小题2】What do we know about the laugh track?
A.It is the most important part of a sitcom.
B.It helps people create the feeling of sitting in a theater.
C.It helps the actors laugh.
D.It was first used in sitcoms in 1940.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase mean in paragraph 6?
【小题4】What is the author going to talk about?
A.What the actors will do when they become popular.
B.The actors work hard to make more sitcoms.
C.The author will give some examples of how the actors influence the way people talk.
D.People follow the actors to become popular.
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Imagine that you’re the creator and show runner of the newest comedy show on television. Only it isn’t so popular yet, and your live Studio audience isn’t giving you the big laughs the show deserves. Do you film the show all over again, hoping that this time the audience will laugh? Or is there another option for making a joke sound funnier than it was received?

Sweeten(改善) the sound by adding a laugh track! “Sweetening,” or the addition of sound effects such as laughs, screams, and other audience-produced noises to the audio track of a TV show, has been used since the 1940s to produce the appearance, or rather the sound, of an engaged and entertained response to a show’s comedy. Laugh tracks came into existence as not only a solution, and sometimes replacement, for an unengaged live audience but also as a way to engage an at-home audience into a more-traditional, public, and theaterlike experience. Adding a laugh track to a television show makes the viewers at home feel much less like they’re sitting on a couch staring at the television screen and much more like they’re in a room full of laughing happy people to varying degrees of success.

Though the art of sweetening has risen and fallen in popularity over the past 60 years, credit for its creation and continued use is owed to laugh-track pioneer and sound engineer Charles Douglass. Douglass was the first to develop, in 1953, a machine for producing “canned laughter”, accessible at the push of a button or pull of a lever (操纵杆). Despite being artificial, sensibly edited laugh tracks are found by television studios to bring about a positive audience response, as their use is usually accompanied by higher ratings and increased audience memory. Though some television audiences may disagree with the value of the laugh track, the cheerful and repetitive sound holds a permanent place in the history and future of television comedy.

【小题1】The author uses the first paragraph to         .
A.introduce the topic “sweetening”
B.seek solutions for the problem
C.point out a way of making comedies
D.arouse readers’ interest in comedies
【小题2】What effect does a laugh track produce?
A.The creation of a show.
B.Funnier sound in a show,
C.More engaged live audience
D.Communication among TV viewers.
【小题3】What’s the author’s attitude towards the use of the laugh track?
C.Neutral (中立的).D.Uncertain,
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The reason for using laugh tracks.
B.The brief history of laugh tracks.
C.The development of TV comedies.
D.The way to improve television shows.

While most TV stations try to attract viewers by producing reality shows, Henan TV has become famous by promoting (推广) traditional culture through Chinese dance.

Henan TV produced seven dance pieces introducing traditional culture for traditional festivals, such as “Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess (《洛神水赋》)”, a two-minute underwater dance for the Dragon Boat Festival. “Guardian Warriors of Longmen (《龙门金刚》)”, a dance piece supported by AR technology against the backdrop of the Longmen Grottoes (石窟).

“These pieces have gotten nearly 30 billion hits,” said Yao Wei, director of the TV station. “It’s a huge success for Henan TV.”

On Nov 1, 2021, Yao was invited to talk about how the TV station had produced the hit dance pieces at a three-day forum(论坛) centering on the research of Chinese dance.

The pieces were popular with audiences, most of whom are members of Gen Z, (people born between 1995 and 2009), Yao said.

“It’s been over forty years since the country’s reform (改革) and opening-up and the younger generations have grown up with open minds. They love Chinese culture and are proud of it,” said Yao. “What we need to do is present Chinese culture and tradition in interesting ways for those young people.”

Yao added that Henan TV has been producing shows promoting traditional culture, such as traditional operas and kung fu, for nearly 30 years.

“To allure younger audiences, we are also changing our shows. One of the keys is to produce them with creativity,” Yao said. “For example, the latest technology and special stage settings, like underwater scenes, have become our new ways of telling stories about traditional Chinese culture.”

Another key to successfully reaching younger audiences is using social media to promote their shows.

“Social media is being shaped and driven by young people. It’s a powerful form of communication. When they watch short videos, they easily become interested in an eye-catching video,” Yao said.

【小题1】What can we learn about the seven dance pieces produced by Henan TV?
A.They were performed by famous stars.
B.They were presented in creative ways.
C.They were about the reform and opening-up.
D.They were produced by AR technology.
【小题2】What’s Gen Z’s attitude toward the seven dance pieces?
【小题3】What can we learn from what Yao said?
A.Younger audience usually follow fashion.
B.Teenagers have a big influence on social media.
C.Reaching younger audiences was the key to Henan’s success.
D.Promoting traditional culture on Henan TV has some history.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “allure” in the third-to-last paragraph probably mean?
Recently, the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? has become one of China’s most popular TV shows, attracting more than 600 million viewers each week.
In this program, five celebrity(名人) fathers traveled to six countryside locations across China, including some villages in Beijing, Yunnan, Shandong, Hunan, Heilongjiang and a desert in Ningxia.     
They took care of their kids without the help of the kid’s mothers. At the same time, they also took part in different kinds of activities with their kids together, such as cooking, fishing and selling goods.
Why is the show so popular? “It reflects (反应) social reality. In big cities, fathers are always busy earning money and making achievements in their career. They don’t spare more time with their kids.” said Xie Dikui, general director of the show. As the father of a 3-year-old daughter, Xie said that he found his own heart being touched as he made it. “Although these fathers are busy, they are able to spare time for their kids. We can do better than them.”
This also happens in some rural areas in China. More and more men from rural areas are now working in big cities, leaving their kids at home under the Grandparents’ care. “I have a son and a daughter in my hometown.” said Xu Canyong, a 33-year-old man working in Shantou, Guangdong Province. “They come to live with me only during summer and winter vacations. I miss them very much. I want to have them live with us in Shantou, but the cost of living here is too high.” said Xu.
【小题1】The TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? is popular mainly because _______ .
A.the five fathers are all famous stars
B.there are many beautiful sights in it
C.Xie Dikui is a popular director in China
D.it reflects the problems about family education
【小题2】The underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refers to_________ .
A.the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad?
B.the fact that fathers have less time with their kids
C.the trip of five celebrity fathers with their kids
D.the relationship between Xie Dikui and his daughter
【小题3】Xu Canyong can’t live with his two kids in Shantou because________ .
A.he can’t afford to live there together
B.he has no time to look after his kids
C.Shantou is too far from his hometown
D.his kids are used to living with their grandparents
【小题4】From this passage, we may infer ________ .
A.fathers will raise the kids instead of mothers
B.the five celebrity fathers will give up their own jobs
C.in some rural areas, more and more kids live with their grandparents
D.Mr Xu often goes back to his hometown during summer and winter vacations
