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Having an older brother comes with plenty of benefits. However, a new study finds an interesting downside: children with older brothers take longer when it comes to developing language skills.

The study, conducted by a group of researchers in Paris, France, builds upon early research that having older brothers is associated with poor linguistic(语言的)development. Now, researchers say they have come to a more specific conclusion: only children with an older brother show these linguistic difficulties. One would assume(假设) that children with older brothers would grow up around more conversation on a daily basis, thus speeding up their language development. But researchers say such children actually take longer than their older brothers to begin developing these skills. Researchers studied more than 1,000 children from birth to the age of five-and-a-half years old. Each child’s language skills were tested at ages 2, 3, and 5.5, using tests specially designed to measure many aspects of language development such as vocabulary and syntax(句法). What the research team discovered was significant: children with an older brother had, on average, a two-month delay in their language development compared to studied children with an older sister. As far as explaining this phenomenon, researchers have given two assumptions. The first is that older sisters tend to talk more often than older brothers, which would make up for parents being less present than they were for their first child. The second assumption is that older sisters usually compete with their brothers and sisters less than older brothers for their parents’ attention.

So far, the study’s authors say they can’t say for certain why children with older brothers have a harder time developing language skills. In the future they’d like to investigate it further.

【小题1】What does the word “downside” mean in the first paragraph?
C.upside down.D.disadvantage.
【小题2】What can be learned from the passage?
A.Children with older brothers will speak earlier.
B.No one knows exactly the reason why children with brothers speak later.
C.Children with an older sister had a two-month delay in speaking.
D.Researchers studied over 1,000 children of all ages.
【小题3】What’s the weakness for the children with older brothers?
A.The parents will never care about them any more.
B.The older brothers will always fight with them.
C.The development speed of their linguistic skills will be put off.
D.They won’t enjoy life-long close relationships with the older brothers.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Young brothers usually speak earlier?
B.Having older brothers always benefits you?
C.Parents love older brothers more?
D.Sisters often compete with brothers?
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CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术) and first aid are related topics. It could be said that first aid is the more general of the two, and training in first aid might include instructions and practice on how to respond to a variety of medical emergencies that could be causing danger to life or to a part of a person’s body. One such medical emergency could be the stopping of breathing or heartbeat, and the right response, in this case, might be to perform CPR. Thus, CPR can be seen as a type of first-aid response.

There can be differences in the amount of first-aid training people learn, and courses can sometimes be broken down into emergency and standard training. Standard training is actually the more extensive of the two, and would include teaching and learning how to handle a variety of medical situations like bites from insects or animals, broken bones, poisoning, childbirth, and care of wounds. Emergency first aid tends to be limited to the teaching of CPR, how to handle choking emergencies, and instructions on wound care for heavy bleeding.

CPR and first aid may be taught together or are sometimes taken as separate courses. People may need a whole day of practice or longer before getting CPR certification, which should be obtained from recognized agencies like the Red Cross. The big difference between CPR and first aid, in terms of taking classes, is that CPR focuses only on learning to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and recognize those situations as soon as possible in which it should be performed, while first-aid classes may teach this too, but they will teach in the broader context of how people need to respond to lots of different injuries or illness.

The issue of CPR and first aid may get confusing when people are asked to get training in one or both of these. Some people may be asked to take a first-aid course and have CPR training. Those who need more extensive training in standard first aid certainly won’t satisfy this need by only taking a CPR course. Those confused about what training they need should get this issue clear with the person (usually an employer) requesting the training.

Being able to respond first in a medical emergency usually means needing to know CPR, but other knowledge could be just as necessary. For instance, how to stop uncontrollable bleeding or how to handle an episode of anaphylactic shock (过敏性休克) could be vital too.

【小题1】What is the purpose of performing CPR?
A.To be qualified as a first-aid trainer.B.To make a person’s heart start beating again.
C.To deal with all the medical emergencies.D.To gain practical knowledge of first aid.
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.CPR works faster when someone breaks his leg.
B.CPR includes most courses of emergency training.
C.Emergency first aid is more useful than CPR.
D.Standard training deals with more medical cases.
【小题3】When can people get the chance to obtain CPR certification?
A.When practicing a whole day in Red Cross.
B.After saving someone with CPR.
C.After finishing the CPR training.
D.When getting instructions from recognized agencies.
【小题4】Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A book review.B.An academic report.
C.A health magazine.D.A maths exam paper.

Our ability to pay attention to tasks is a key part of our everyday lives. In many activities, it is difficult to keep a high level of focus over time, which is heavily influenced by factors like motivation, inspiration and alertness. Keeping focus can be especially challenging when the task is boring, dull or repeated. Continuous attention can be easier said than done, as attention waves across short and long time.

Although humans generally perform fine in situations that require continuous attention, they are often distracted (分心), which can lead to lacking attention. Common distractions can be anything from thinking about a new romantic interest to reacting to a car honking (鸣响).

Most attention lacks have minor results like forgetting to forward an email or pick up an item at the grocery store. However, other lacks can lead to serious results, such as a train operator not reacting to an incident, a surgeon forgetting a step in an operation or an individual forgetting to turn off an oven.

A study’s results provide evidence that a simple and easily-made change in behavior, setting specific goals for oneself, can greatly improve our ability to keep task focus over time. This can have effects on settings such as studying or working, where a failure to stay focused can lead to worse performance.

One of the most common methods to study lacks in attention is to examine response time to a variety of tasks. For this study, researchers asked more than 100 participants to complete reaction time tasks for about 25 minutes. In a standard control condition, participants were simply told to respond as quickly as possible on each trial. In this condition, reaction times systematically increased across time, consistent with the idea that task focus was decreasing. However, when researchers gave them specific goals to pursue and made those goals harder over time, for example, keeping their reaction time below 450 milliseconds, then 400, then 350, they did not show that effect.

【小题1】What can we know about attention according to the text?
A.Doing repeated tasks can help improve one’s attention.
B.Lacking attention can sometimes cause serious consequences
C.Continuous attention is easy to get if people can get some training.
D.The physical condition is a big distraction that influences one’s attention.
【小题2】What can keep attention for long according to the research?
A.Avoiding doing boring work.B.Longer response time to task
C.Determining targets properly.D.Making tasks simpler.
【小题3】What is the function of the last paragraph?
A.To further explain the arguments above.B.To support the conclusions made above.
C.To provide the background of the research.D.To put forward new points for experiments.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Stay Focused on TasksB.High Level of Focus over Time
C.Attention Waving Across Long TimeD.Importance of Paying Attention to Tasks

The Upside to Being Outside

Research shows that being in nature makes people feel good, whether they’re roughing it in the wilderness for days or just hanging out at a local park for a while. One study was conducted in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. Researchers found that most participants’ mood and well-being improved significantly when they spent time in urban parks, 【小题1】

What’s more, the lift people get from nature is long lasting. For example, scientists in the United Kingdom studied the impact of the “30 Days Wild” campaign. It challenged people to interact with nature for 30 days by enjoying earthy activities like feeding birds and planting flowers. 【小题2】 And such state will remain in the following months. So, kicking back in a park is a bit like treating your mind to a restful mini vacation.

【小题3】 Scientists say that spending time in natural settings reduces stress and anxiety, which benefits mental and physical health. Research shows our brains are more relaxed in natural settings.

To most people, it’s not news that nature can be calming. 【小题4】 One study revealed that people were better at figuring out puzzles after a four-day camping trip. Another found that exposure to nature helped people score better on tests. That’s more proof that going outside is a smart and creative move!

What accounts for the connection with cognition and creativity? It could be that a good dose of nature acts as a cure to information overload. 【小题5】 Some scientists theorize that spending time in nature enables our brains to rest and recover from mental tiredness. This means that whether you’re studying or playing video games, heading outside to give your brain a break might help you get to the next level.

A.How does nature boost people’s happiness?
B.Everyday life involves a lot of multitasking.
C.What kinds of activities are suggested doing in nature?
D.as long as you set the fixed time as a daily routine to go outside.
E.Participants were measurably happier and healthier throughout it.
F.even though the average visit was only around half an hour and even less.
G.But studies have found that being outside also has some more surprising benefits.
