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Climate emergencies are a bit like buses. You wait an age for one and then three come along at once. Parliaments in the UK and Ireland passed motions declaring a climate emergency in May. Last Monday, Canada followed suit.

It isn’t just parliament sounding the alarm. “This is a climate emergency,” said U.N. climate chief Patricia Espinosa for the first time last Tuesday. Hours earlier, James Bevan of England’s Environment Agency and Vince Cable, the leader of the U.K.’s Liberal Democrats, also used the phrase.

They join a cast of high-profile public figures already on the bus, from UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn to UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres. But how did the language of climate change campaigners jump to the lips of the establishment, and should we welcome its seemingly unstoppable adoption?

Does this language make a difference? A day after Canada’s climate emergency motion, it approved a £4.4 billion oil pipeline. Bristol City Council in the UK also declared a climate emergency, yet the city’s mayor subsequently backed expansion of the local airport. Nothing changed on UK streets after parliament declared a climate emergency, notes former Labour Party leader Ed MIliband. “This silent response to an alarm that we ourselves have sounded symbolizes the challenge we face,” he wrote. _______?_______

Mike Hulme at the University of Cambridge argues against the phrase because it implies “time-limited radical(激进的)” action could end the emergency, when climate change is actually a “new condition of human existence.” Some, HUlme included, also fear the language may cause counterproductive responses.

Bur Roz Pidcock of communication organization Climate Outreach says a climate emergency “suggests a response that is very radical in scale and ambition, but not incautious or knee-jerk(本能的),” and certainly not a license for extreme measure like geoengineering the climate.

Despite the risk of phrase being devalued, Rebecca Willis at Lancaster University in the U.K. tells me it is still useful ---and that’s because it is true. As Spratt says, “You cannot solve a problem unless you name it for exactly what it is.” Getting politicians to adopt the language will also be crucial to holding them to tough policy decisions later, says Doug Parr of Greenpeace.

The phrase’s widespread adoption isn’t a problem. The lack of action equivalent to such language is. And that action is going to include a lot of silently gliding electric buses.

【小题1】Which of the following sentences may best end Paragraph 4?
A.We should strive to stimulate people’s initiative.
B.The use of “climate emergency” highlights the challenge.
C.Such a mismatch risks making the term meaningless.
D.There are many people against the use of the phrase.
【小题2】It can be inferred from the passage that Mike Hulme thinks that ______.
A.climate change call for deliberate consideration before action is taken
B.immediate action should be taken to put climate emergency to an end
C.the phrase “climate emergency” may lead to the opposite consequences
D.people all over the world have been accustomed to climate change
【小题3】Which of the following arguments can be used in favour of the phrase “climate emergency”?.
A.Extreme measures will be taken to address the issue of climate change
B.The use of the phrase may contribute to substantial policymaking.
C.The phrase will make no sense unless practical solutions are found.
D.Less attention is paid to the phrase though it reflects a true story.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards the phrase “climate emergency”?
知识点:气候议论文危险与安全 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Living on an island might sound wonderful. But what if you left for a trip and found you could never return? What if your home, and even the land it stood on, was gone forever? For people living in the Pacific Islands, this is really possible.

Why? Climate (气候) change. Climate change is causing the sea to rise. That's bad news for the Pacific Islands. Young people on the islands are even starting to wonder: Will they be the last generation (一代人)?

Not if the islanders have anything to do about it. These people are deeply connected to their homelands. The Pacific Islands are made up of 11 different countries: the Marshall Islands, Fiji, Samoa, and others. But now, those countries are working together. They're joining forces to fight climate change.

Why is climate change such a huge threat to this part of the world? Islands are low elevations (海拔). So they are among the first places influenced by rising sea levels. That's why countries of the Pacific Islands are working together to do their part.

But these are small countries. When it comes to climate change, can they make a big difference? They can, because most of the things that people on islands buy are brought by ships. This is very harmful to the environment. After all, ships put out almost 3 percent of the world's carbon emissions (碳排放). That makes climate change worse.

Pacific Islanders realize the problem. So, in 2019, six countries got together: Fuji, the Marshall islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. They came up with a plan. They agreed to cut carbon emissions from shipping by 40 percent by 2030. And by 2050, they expect zero-carbon shipping.

How will they pull this off? They plan to use some really cool carbon-free technologies. They'll make use of solar and wind energy.

Sea levels are rising, but hopes aren't sinking in the Pacific Islands.

【小题1】What is the bad news for the Pacific Islands according to the passage?
A.Some Pacific Island countries have disappeared.
B.The sea level is going up because of climate change.
C.All the shipping to the Pacific Islands has been stopped.
D.The Pacific Islanders have nothing to do about the climate change.
【小题2】The underlined word "threat" in Paragraph 4 probably means"________________".
【小题3】It can be inferred from the passage that __________________.
A.there will never be zero carbon emissions from shipping
B.solar and wind energy will make climate change worse
C.all the Pacific Islanders may leave their homelands by 2050
D.some Pacific Island countries may have hopes to make a difference
【小题4】The passage mainly talks about ______________________.
A.why other countries are helping the Pacific Islanders fight climate change
B.how some countries are working hard to develop carbon-free technologies
C.how Pacific Island countries are working together to fight shipping pollution
D.why Pacific Island countries put out so much of the world's carbon emissions

Ever since Earth formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago, its climate has gone through a number of incredible changes.

All you have to do is look at images of the Jurassic Period (侏罗纪时期) to know that at one time, much of our planet was covered in extremely hot and humid jungle. Skip ahead a couple million years and you get to an ice age event, when global temperature experienced a huge drop. While many species were not able to deal with these changing climate patterns, others successfully adapted, and some are even still with us today. Now, as humanity pushes the planet closer to another extreme climate event, scientists are eager to find out how the world's species will react. The idea was highlighted in a study published on April 6 in the journal PNAS, which showed that between 1970 and 2010, open water species such as lobsters and fish had declined by about half in tropical marine zones across the globe because over the 40-year time period, sea temperatures in those regions had risen by roughly 0. 2°C.

The lower numbers aren't a sign of all the sea creatures dying off though. In fact, the scientists found some of them outside of their traditional habitats, meaning that if a species can migrate to cooler waters and adapt in a new environment, they will.

However, those movements aren’t always a good thing; species that can' t move, such as coral, which is fixed to the seabed, rely on the fish and other sea creatures to contribute to the natural food chain and stay healthy. Additionally, when a non- native species moves into a new area, it threatens to disrupt the ecosystem that already exists there.

Depending on the species, it can take anywhere from one generation to thousands and thousands of years to properly adapt, so the changes that have occurred in just the last 40 years are very troubling for scientists. As Sebastian Ferse, an ecologist at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Germany, explained, “In geological history, this has occurred in the blink of an eye. To see such changes occurring so rapidly is something quite alarming.

【小题1】What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Some species that adapted to the climate changes survived.
B.Most species were able to deal with the changing climate patterns.
C.Global temperature experienced a huge drop during Jurassic Period.
D.Much of our planet was covered in humid jungle during ice age event.
【小题2】How did some sea creatures survived climate changes according to the scientists?
A.By changing their food chain.B.By adjusting their own temperature.
C.By moving to other places and adapted.D.By human beings' protecting.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “disrupt” in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】Which word best describes scientists' attitudes to the migration of species?
A.Optimistic. .B.Negative.C.Objective.D.Indifferent.

NEW YORK (Reuters) — Global warming has cut about $5 billion worth of value from the world’s most commonly grown grains over 20 years, according to a new study.

Warming temperatures from 1981 to 2002 cut the combined production of wheat, corn and other crops by 40 million tons per year. “Contrary to what most people think, this study shows that warming over the past two decades has already affected global food supply. The effect is not a faraway thing,” said Christopher Field, a co-author on the study, the first to estimate how much global food production has already been affected by climate change.

Not every scientist agrees that agriculture is suffering from warmer temperatures. A UN report said warming is expected to turn the planet a bit greener by encouraging plant growth, but crops and forests may wilt beyond mid-century if temperatures keep rising.

Average global production for several of the crops suffered from warmer temperatures, with production dropping by about 3-5% for every 1°F increase, the study said. Average global temperatures increased by about 0.7°F during the study period, with even larger changes in several regions.

“If the past is an indication, agriculture will also suffer going forward,” Field said. “We expect future warming to continue to be a drag on grain production, like driving with the parking brake engaged.” The study said the cereal crops hit by global warming account for 55% of non-meat categories consumed by humans and they also contribute more than 70% of the world’s animal feed.

“Farmers can adapt to warmer temperatures by changing crop planting times, the varieties they grow, or the locations used for each crop,” Field said. “In the past farmers have been very adaptable to environmental challenges, but adaptation to warming can take years.”

【小题1】It is commonly thought that global warming ______.
A.will have a bad effect on human beings’ present life
B.is something that will just affect the future
C.is becoming more and more serious
D.will soon lead to great decrease in food supply
【小题2】The underlined word “wilt” in the third paragraph probably means “______”.
A.increaseB.grow taller
C.stay the sameD.grow badly
【小题3】According to Field, we can learn that ________.
A.agriculture will not suffer a lot from global warming
B.grain production will increase despite global warming
C.grain production will be affected by global warming
D.farmers can increase crop production by changing crop planting times
【小题4】This passage mainly tells us that __________.
A.the future food supply will change with global warming
B.global warming reduces global food production
C.traditional agriculture will disappear due to global warming
D.global warming prevents the growth of plants and grains
