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Attachment Parenting is not Indulgent Parenting. Attachment parents do not "spoil" their children. Spoiling is done when a child is given everything that they want regardless of what they need and regardless of what is practical. Indulgent parents give toys for tantrums(发脾气), ice cream for breakfast. Attachment parents don’t give their children everything that they want, they give their children everything that they need. Attachment parents believe that love and comfort are free and necessary. Not sweets or toys.

Attachment Parenting is not "afraid of tears" parenting. Our kids cry. The difference is that we understand that tantrums and tears come from emotions and not manipulation. And our children understand this too. They cry and have tantrums sometimes, of course. But they do this because their emotions are so overwhelming that they need to get it out. They do not expect to be "rewarded" for their strong negative emotions; they simply expect that we will listen. We pick up our babies when they cry, and we respond to the tears of our older children because we believe firmly that comfort is free, love is free, and that when a child has need for comfort and love, it is our job to provide those things. We are not afraid of tears. We don’t avoid them. We hold our children through them and teach them that when they are hurt or frustrated we are here to comfort them and help them work through their emotions.

Attachment Parenting is not Clingy Parenting. I do not cling to my children. In fact, I’m pretty free-range. As soon as they can move they usually move away from me and let me set up a chase as they crawl, run, skip and hop on their merry way to explore the world. Sure, I carry them and hug them and chase them and kiss them and rock them and sleep with them. But this is not me following them everywhere and pulling them back to me. This is me being a home base. The "attachment" comes from their being allowed to attach to us, not from us attaching to them like parental leeches. Attachment Parenting is not Selfish Parenting. It is also not selfless parenting, We are not doing it for us, and we are not doing it to torment (折磨)ourselves.

Attachment parenting is not Helicopter Parenting. I don’t hover, I supervise, I follow, I teach, I demonstrate, I explain. I don’t slap curious hands away, I show how to do things safely, I let my child do the things that my child wishes to do, first with help and then with supervision(监督) and finally with trust, I don’t insist that my 23 month old hold my hand when we walk on the sidewalk because I know that I can recall him with my voice because he trusts me to allow him to explore and he trusts me to explain when something is dangerous and to help him satisfy his curiosities safely.

Most of the negative things that I hear about "attachment parents" are completely off-base and describe something that is entirely unlike Attachment Parenting. Attachment Parenting is child-centric and focuses on the needs of the child. Children need structure, rules, and boundaries. Attachment Parents simply believe that the child and the parent are allies, not adversaries, and that children are taught, not trained.

【小题1】According to the author, what should parents do when their kids cry?
A.Providing comfort and love.
B.Trying to stop kids crying.
C.Holding them till they stop.
D.Rewarding kids with toys.
【小题2】What does "free-range” mean according to the passage?
A.Willing to give kids freedom of movement.
B.Ready to play games with my kids.
C.Curious to watch what games they play.
D.Fond of providing a home base.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT attachment parenting?
A.Fostering their curiosityB.Helping them do the right thing
C.Showing them how things are doneD.Standing by and protecting
【小题4】What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.How to foster love in childrenB.Different types of parenting
C.How to build child confidenceD.Parent-child relationship
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Friendship can deeply affect the physical and mental health of both men and women. Studies show that people who have no friends or who are lonely,are more likely to die earlier,get sick more often and suffer greater physical wear and tear(折磨)than those who have a support system of friends.
  Sometimes,family members may be more likely to give you advice or tell you what you don’t want to hear. It may not be as good as a friend who will listen to you and guide you,but support your decisions anyway. The most important elements about friendship are those who suffer support and do not judge your decisions based on society.
  One reason for the link between social support and good health practice seems to be that people who feel cared for by others are less stress-out and are protected against the symptoms(症状)of depression and loneliness.
  Generally,women benefit most because of how they deal with stress. Women are more social in how they deal with stress than men, while men are more likely to have a“fight or flight”reaction.
  Women also tend to have larger,denser social network,in which more people know each other and help each other, while men typically have smaller groups of friends and will rely on their wives or other important people for more support. While all these affect people psychologically(心理上),friendship brings comfort that reduces the ill effects of stress, and the sex difference also contributes to the difference in the length of one’s life time.
【小题1】In the author’s opinion,a real friend should _____.
A.tell you what to do even if you refuse to hear it
B.try to persuade you to change your mind quickly
C.judge your decision according to his/her experience
D.give you advice but respect your own decision
【小题2】Women benefit more from friendship than men because_____.
A.women are always cared for by more people than men
B.women are usually less stress—out when staying with others
C.women are more likely to solve problems with friends’ help
D.women can always keep more long-life friendship than men
【小题3】According to the passage we can infer that _____.
A.it’s good for women to tell men what they should do or not
B.friends are always more important than family members
C.men don’t want to share their problems with many people
D.the trend that women can live longer makes them more relaxed
【小题4】This page mainly talks about _____.
A.why people should develop friendship
B.when friendship affects people’s health
C.people’s different attitudes towards friendship
D.the friendship which can make people live longer

Space is the final frontier (前沿). Sending rockets into space has become almost common. The demand for communications satellites and space-based image services is growing.

Today, space efforts cost about $200 billion a year. Joint efforts between governments and businesses are helping to lower costs and increase our understanding of the universe.

The business of space looks good for Orbital ATK, a company based in the United States. In January, the company launched its Antares rocket. The rocket was carrying the first of eight planned supply shipments to the International Space Station. Orbital ATK is one of the two American companies paid by NASA to transport supplies to the space station.

A company called Arianespace is a private European space business. Clayton Nowry heads the American division of the company. He says the increase in rocket launches is partly the result of increased demand for space-based technologies. These include high-definition (高清的) broadcasts and satellite broadband services.

While there is more demand for satellites, the end of NASA's Space Shuttle program in 2011 has hurt the space industry. Janice Starzyk works at International Launch Services. She works on education issues at the Washington Space Business Roundtable. She said, "It's a pity that the program's shutdown was a huge, huge set of lay-offs (下岗人员) in the industry."

But even as NASA reduces its spending, other countries have announced plans to explore space. In December 2013, China became just the third country to land an unmanned space vehicle on the moon. A month later, India sent its first communications satellite.

【小题1】What makes sending rockets into space become very usual?
A.More and more people wanting to explore space.
B.Space becoming human's final home and dream.
C.Companies making every effort to earn $ 200 billion a year.
D.Increasing need for communications satellites and space-based image services.
【小题2】Why are governments and businesses working together?
A.To earn more money from space projects.
B.To send more rockets into space and use them.
C.To produce more communications satellites for the public.
D.To keep costs down and help us learn more about the universe.
【小题3】What do we know about Orbital ATK?
A.It's a private European space business.
B.It sent its Antares rocket in January.
C.It's a company based in the United Kingdom.
D.It's the only American company paid by NASA.
【小题4】How may Janice Starzyk feel about the program's shutdown?

Most people feel that dreams are unique to humans, but many dog owners will likely disagree. They have noticed that their dogs at various times during the sleep may shake legs, snort(哼)and sometimes growl (低声吼叫)which gives the impression that they are dreaming. These things may wonder us about whether dogs dream.

Scientists confirm that dogs probably do dream. It turns out that dog brains and human brains have many similarities during sleep cycles. Researchers used special machines to measure electrical activity in a dog’s brain and a human’s brain. Scientists already knew that when humans dream, a certain part of the brain is active during sleep. Researchers discovered that the same part of the brain is active in sleeping dogs. Scientists have other data that back up these findings.

Many people dream that they are trying to move but cannot. Interestingly, part of that experience is not a dream. When people sleep, the brain produces a chemical that causes the dreamer to become temporarily paralyzed(使麻痹). Researchers think this happens so that people cannot physically act out dreams while they are sleeping. Dog brains make the same chemical. In one study during which this chemical was blocked, sleeping test dogs performed physical activities, such as standing up, sniffing around the room for imaginary rabbits, or chasing (追逐)imaginary balls.

Because of these similarities, researchers believe that the content of a dogs dream might come from the same source as a human’s dream. “People’s dreams are usually based on things they did that day, ” says Dr. Samantha Hudspith. “So we have reasons to believe that dogs dream about the things theyve done that day. Of course, there will never be a way to prove this. Dogs cannot describe their dreams the way that humans can. ”

【小题1】Which statement is TRUE?
A.Only humans dream,
B.The dogs’ shaking legs during the sleep means that they must be dreaming.
C.Whether dogs dream of the things they’ve done that day can not be confirmed.
D.The contents of dogs’ dream is the same as those of humans.
【小题2】What happened to a sleeping dog when this chemical mentioned in paragraph 3 was cut off?
A.It woke up.
B.It acted out its dream.
C.It stopped dreaming.
D.It couldn’t move its body.
【小题3】Where is the passage from?
A.A magazine.
B.A report.
C.A guide.
D.A brochure.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Similarities Between Humans and Dogs
B.Why Do Dogs Dream?
C.Signs of Dog Dreams
D.Do Dogs Dream?
